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They started checking the phone, luckilythe phone don't have password so they freely open it

They have checked the messages and phone number but they saw nothing

They went to open the gallery but all they can see is a picture of ricky and his partment

They sign because they can't see any useful but a minute later the phone started ringing with a a very familliar phone number

Mr. Jui is calling....

Ricky and gyuvin stared at each other. Ricky blood boils as he realize who it was

He went to answer it and remain silent

"Did you finish him? I need you to finish him as soon as possible,my father is in hurry and he was to give all the assest to him" The boy said as ricky smirk as he stay silent

"Hey are you there?? Kill ricky fast, i can't wait anylonger" The man added

Gyuvin grab the phone in his hand "let's meet now sir" He mumble

The other sign "just come to my company at noon, what happend to your voice anyways, you sound different" Kuanjui mumble

"Ok sir, ill see you this afternoon" Gyuvin mumble as he end the call

Ricky and gyuvin stared at each other

Ricky blood is boiling he can't believe that his own brother want him dead
"Really all of the people? My brother want me dead" He said as he gritted his teeth

Gyuvin hug his boyfriend "shhh Im here I can't let that happen" He mumble as ricky nod "ill take care of this" He mumble as gyuvin nod "alright love" He said as he kisses ricky's forehead.

Ricky and gyuvin is on the way to his brother, ricky hand turn into a fist as he was gritting his teet, gyuvin held the boy's hand "calm down ricky, call me if something went wrong, ill be waiting for you outside" Gyuvin said as they arrive to the location

They both went out of the car as ricky nod as he enter to his brother office

"Im here" Gyuvin said as he wait ricky outside of the office and sit on those neatly chair

Ricky is in front of his brother who display a disbelief.

"Why are you d-doing here?" Kuanjui asked while he stutter

Ricky smirk as he sat "why are you shock to see me still alive and well??? " He said as the boy gulp "what are you saying my dear brother? Im happy to see you healthy" He mumble as ricky can't control his self and he punch his brother with madness

With his strong fist, he keep punching him as the boy face is full of blood

"Planning to kill me? Fuck you, ill kill you first" Ricky said as he keep punching his brother face

Kuanjui face is full of blood, he was so scared because its the first time he saw his brother like this and he can't believe how strong the other was

"Don't you dare plan to kill me again" Ricky said as he saw the baseball bat in the corner and ge smirk and grab those

"I don't need those businesses, money and other heritage, i want to  live peacefully, if you do that again, you will see" He said as he smash the baseball bat in the table "do you understand me?" He asked as the boy nod

Ricky throw those papers to him "here its all yours and don't see me anymore" He said as he walk out of the room

His fist is bleeding because of how hard his punches are

Gyuvin stared at his boyfriend who are smirking "what happend?" He asked

Ricky just wrap his hand around his boyfriends shoulder "nothing my love, im getting hungry cook for me plsss" He mumble as gyuvin nod and kiss his jaw "alright" Gyuvin replied as they went back to his apartment.

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1 chapter to go.

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