Gundam Force Impulse OC

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JeymisPeixoto, Can I have a request for Yandere One-shot Volume 5, Please?

Yandere Loving Girls Frontline x Gundam Force Impulse (Lemon)

This story has 2 parts.

Name: Force Impulse
Alias: The Last Anemo Knight
Affiliation: Griffin and Kruyger's
Occupation: Commander (Formerly), Protector.
Age: 20
Mobile Suit: Gundam Force Impulse

Personality: Depressed, Guilty, Strong-willed, Determined, Merciless to his enemies, Nice and happy to his yandere girlfriends (sometimes).


His Robot Form

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His Robot Form

His Robot Form

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Song: (Singing when he's in despair when he lost everything)


"It should've been me..."
"Everyone... Kalina... I'm so sorry... I wasn't there for you."
"I will avenge you, my friends!"
"I'm sorry everyone..."
"I love you... Kalina... Goodbye, my love."
"I love you Scarecrow."
"Scarecrow, will you marry me?"
"Please, Let me go, I'll do anything!"
"I love you all"


ST-AR 15


Force Impulse was once a Commander of G&Ks, Unaware he is a Gundam, He sees every members of AR Team, Team 404, & Team DEFY as his friends.

4 teams were assigned to infiltrate the bases, dividing into three groups. While on the mission, His team was ambushed by Sangvis Forces, leaving him last. He tried to contact the AR Team, Team 404, & Team DEFY, but no response. He realized that Griffins Base was in danger, He tried to save and warn them but it was too late. Their base was engulfed in flames, he believes that Kalina, the woman he fell in love is gone. Heartbroken and blinded by rage, He was enraged and out of grief, while vowing his vengeance. He saw the light and transformed into Gundam, he set out on his quest to save the world and stop Sangvis Ferri once and for all. Earning his name The Last Anemo Knight.

His final battle began between him and Sangvis Ringleaders and their army, Force Impulse took action and took out the entire army. As he was about to finish them off, Scarecrow begs for mercy in tears. It made him realize how far he had fallen, so he spared them as he finally let go of his vengeance, knowing it wouldn't bring them back. He fled back to the ruins of G&K's Base, Sangvis Forces, and Ringleaders retreated back to their base except for Scarecrow, She went after him despite their protests.

When she arrives at the scene, Force Impulse sings his song about his sadness and the losses of the people he ever loved including T-Dolls. He tearfully confesses his love for Kalina and bids farewell before he breaks down crying. This causes Scarecrow's heart to shatter and touched by his voice, she finally realizes Sangvis wrongdoings. She abandons her evil deeds and comforts him. Scarecrow tells him that she regrets everything about her actions and apologizes to him. Thus letting out his emotions, Sangvis Ringleaders witnessed the scene and felt sympathy for them. So they decided to leave them alone. That's when Scarecrow falls in love with Force Impulse as he did the same. As years passed, They confessed their feelings to each other and shared their first kiss before having sex, after that, He proposed to her and she happily accepted it. 2 Years Later, Scarecrow and Force Impulse are now having a wedding with humans and Ringleaders supported them as a sign of peace. Their wedding has brought the Griffin-Sangvis War to an end.

They were about to kiss when suddenly an explosion occurred, They were shocked to see that T-Dolls (AR Team, 404, DEFY) appeared to be alive including Kalina, They also fell in love with him, They challenged her, and she accepted, and then their duel began thus Fighting for Love begins or rather Love War begins while Force Impulse escaped, as he thought he lost them but he was cornered by his Harem and Scarecrow injected him with her tranquilizer before dragging him into their new base and force him to have sex with them. Then they told him to sign their marriage certificate and make him propose to them. Another wedding came, They kissed him, and They got pregnant with their 100 children, 50 Boys, and 50 Girls. Later, they gave birth to their kids. He has no choice but to love them, much to their happiness. He told them that he loved him, and in response, They loved him & they lived happily ever after.

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