June 27th, 2015

19 0 0

12:49 A.M.

I was watching PewDieCry fan-fic animations when I got a text from my friend, Jayden.

Her:"Icy! I have great news!"

Great news? What could she mean?

Me: "Really? What is it?"

Her: "Moni and I are dating!"

I pause. Dating?! This isn't right! Monica was my crush! They were hinting that they were getting closer, but dating?!

I read over the text again before I replied, just to be sure I was reading it right.

Me: "Congratulations Jay! You two are perfect for eachother!"

Her: "Aww, thanks! And to celebrate, she's coming over today!"

A single tear fell from my eye. I was trying so, so, so hard to make Monica love me. I guess I didn't try hard enough. They always were staying with eachother, calling eachother cute nicknames, and walking away from me..... just to hang out...

Her: "Well, I hope this works out."

I know there's nothing but jelousey (I know it's spelled wrong) burning in my stomach, but my 2 best friends need support in their relationship.

Me: "Don't worry! Like I said; you two are perfect! Two peas in a pod!"

Her: "You're right! Well, goodnight!"

Me: "Night, Scrib...."

My 1 true love...... had just been ripped away from me...

I knew I should've just said the three words that rang in my ears when I was with Monica...

"I love you."

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