1 Week Later

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It had been a week since Lincoln started school, and Luna started working. Lincoln was leaving the school was on the phone with his mom I won't be able to pick you up, but I already called Lori, and she said she could pick you up along with your aunts I'll see you when I get home buddy love you Luna said love you to mom Lincoln responded as he hung up Lincoln waited for his aunt Lori while he was waiting a boy his age approached him hey are you ok the boy asked ya I'm fine just waiting on my aunt Lori Lincoln responded oh ok the boy responded what about you who are you waiting on Lincoln asked I'm waiting for my dad's they should be here soon the boy responded so what's your name the boy asked I'm Lincoln what about you what's your name Lincoln asked my names Clyde the boy responded oh hey their's my aunt Lori right now Lincoln said Clyde looked to see a van come to a stop in front of the school just then Lucy Lana Lola and Lisa exited the school got into the van with Lincoln getting into the passenger seat Lori then drove off heading back home

The Loud House

Lincoln and his aunts all went into the house, and soon, they all went off to do their own thing. Lincoln was up in his room on his phone, scrolling through YouTube, looking for something to watch. Lincoln put his phone down and sighed as he was unable to find anything. Lincoln soon heard a car come to a stop he got up and looked out the window to see Luna was back from work. Luna entered the house and went up to her room to see her son sitting on their bed. Luna smiled and said, "Hey buddy, you miss me. Lincoln nodded in response as Luna sat next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. Lincoln then noticed the bag she had in her hand. What you got, their mom Lincoln asked oh just some things I thought you would like since we left the mall pretty early on Sunday," Luna responded as she put the bag up on the bed what's in it Lincoln asked have a look Luna responded Lincoln looked into the bag to see it filled with comic books that's a lot how did you afford all of this Lincoln asked don't worry about that buddy have a look Lincoln began pulling out the comics and reading the titles Batman Superman The Flash Green Lantern Shazam Teen Titans Justice League Captain America Iron Man Spider-Man Thor Hulk and The Avengers wow holy cow this must have been expensive Lincoln said you have know idea kiddo but it's worth it thanks mom Lincoln said as he hugged her your welcome kiddo Luna responded hugging her son back so what do you wanna do buddy Luna asked I kinda just wanna read some of my new comics Lincoln said alright kiddo I think I'm gonna go get in the shower it got hot in their today Luna said as she went into the bathroom Lincoln sat in his bed reading one of his comics after a little while Luna entered the room with a towel wrapped around her with a towel for her hair as well Lincoln turned away from her so she could get dressed Luna was now wearing a pair of leggings with a purple T shirt Luna went over to their bed and sat next to her son so what comic are you reading kiddo Luna asked it the Batman comic right now and I've already read the Superman Comic as well suddenly they heard Lynn SR call from downstairs dinners ready well guess I can finish it after dinner Lincoln said as he put down his comic Lincoln and Luna and the rest of the sisters went downstairs for dinner

After dinner

After dinner, the family went back to doing their own thing. Lincoln and Luna entered their room. Lincoln went back to reading his comic. Luna sat next to him and wrapped her arm around him. Lincoln yawned as he finished his comic. Someone's tired, Luna said I don't know what you're talking about Lincoln said ya sure you don't come on, buddy, it's getting late Luna said why we don't have work or school it's Friday Lincoln said true but you already read the Batman Superman Iron man and The Flash comic and it's almost midnight Luna responded as she pulled him into her arms and layed down in their bed oh ok fine Lincoln said thank you buddy now let's get some sleep Luna said as she closed her eyes

End of chapter 7

Please tell me what you think about this chapter in the comments and give me a few chapter ideas as well, and I'll see if I can make your idea into a Chapter

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