Lovers of the Night

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You walked out of the ballroom, Jonathan and Erina on your tail. Robert saw you three leaving, and followed you. You walked down the twisting hallways, and stopped before the huge staircase in the foyer. The sound of the musicians drifted in from the ballroom, filling the air with their haunting melodies. The children of the night- what beautiful music they make.
"______, what's wrong? Is something amiss?" Jonathan asked. Erina and Speedwagon caught up to you two, and you took a deep breath. Now was the time- it was now or never, and you had to confess to what had been haunting your mind all these weeks.

Jonathan's mind was rushing, coming up with every possible reason as to why you could've left early. Did he do something wrong? Did he scare you? Or- and it pained him to think- did someone try to bite you?!
Tear out the throat of whoever tries to take her from me. _______ is mine, always mine. I want her, I crave her, I need her. Her scent, her blood, her soft, soft skin- what an angel. That dark part of him thought.
A third Bride. You know you want it, JoJo. Go and take what's rightfully yours. Sink your fangs into her neck and drink, give her eternity. Give her eternal youth and beauty that shall never die.
He could never! He didn't need another bride, and how could he end an innocent life! Jonathan was so wrapped up in his thoughts that you had to clear your throat to alert him.

"Jonathan." You began, taking his hands. The black rings stood out on his pals fingers, like coal in snow. "You invited me into your house a few weeks ago, and ever since then you have shown me kindness, even restricting your bloodlust for me. But I have a confession to make- I have not been true to you."
"What do you mean?" He asked, his blue eyes full of worry. They were almost puppy-like, and were rather cute for such a powerful being.
"I am not just someone who works for you. Jonathan, I've... I've fallen in love with you and Erina. You've made me accept that I like both men and women, but I don't mean to intrude on your marriage." You said all in a rush, gabbling your words. Jonathan squeezed your hands tight, and shook his head with a tearful look in his eyes.
"How could you ever intrude on us? You shan't ruin anything, my dear _________, as both me and Erina want you so dearly."
"Really!" You cried.
"I told you he liked you." Robert whispered.
"Ah, so you've been talking to her?" Jonathan asked with a smile. "But yes, ______, I love you too."
"I wouldn't have appeared in your dream if I didn't at least fancy you." Erina smiled, wrapping her arms around you from behind. She kissed your cheek, and Jonathan delicately lifted one of your hands to his mouth to kiss it.
"______, please, I find it hard to restrain myself around you." He gasped.
"Then don't." You replied coyly.

Some kind of fire seemed to light behind Jonathan's eyes at this. He gave a needy hiss, and suddenly his lips were on yours, kissing you so deeply.
"Mmm... Mine..." he mumbled into the embrace, his razor-sharp fangs teasing your lips. Erina ran her silken tongue up your neck, pulling off your masquerade mask so you could look Jonathan in the eyes as he frantically and passionately made out with you. His hands clawed all over you, like rambunctious spiders, as Erina nuzzled and licked that one spot under your jawline. She let out little coos and purrs as she did so, before licking across one particular spot- your jugular.
"I can smell it..." she growled, a world away from the prim and proper lady she usually was. This Erina was a wicked seductress, and this Jonathan who was devouring your mouth? He was but a sensual, seductive beast of the night, his midnight locks flowing as his mind was filled with only the thought of feeding from you and making you HIS.

"Aren't you lot pretty as a picture." Robert teased from his spot on the stairs, watching the three of you kiss.
"Come join us, my dear Robert." Jonathan gasped, pulling off you. Robert walked over, and Jonathan sensually kissed him, handing you over to Erina. She kissed you deeply with lips as sweet as caramel, and twice as addictive as heroin. It wouldn't surprise you if vampires were inherently aphrodisiac, since you were going wild. The blonde sweeped you into her arms, tugging down your dress to reveal your cleavage.
"Bedroom or full moon?" She asked.
"Moon?" You replied, curious.
"Let me show you." Erina purred. Jonathan opened the huge front door, and him and Robert casually floated up into the night sky, levitating. Erina crouched, then jumped, taking off into the skies with you in her arms. She floated up and up until she was level with Jonathan and Robert, and all four of you were silhouetted against the full moon. The house looked like a doll's house below you, yet you felt no fear as long as you clung on tightly.

"______, my sweet ______." Erina kissed you again, her hands scrabbling for your corset strings. She loosened them, sliding a hand up your many skirts to feel your soft thighs. You moaned softly, clinging on tightly to her as she felt you all over.
"Do you like this? Floating in mid-air with us?" Jonathan asked. Robert was kissing his throat as he said this, gliding so that he lay alongside you. You could only let out a desperate, needy moan at this, nodding your head.
"Isn't that splendid?" Came the reply. Jonathan kissed your neck as Erina made out with you, softly humming as she did so. Her hands squeezed your backside and you squealed, as Jonathan ran his hungry tongue up and down your neck.

"_______, I need you. I'm craving you, my sweet love. Let me take you to the bedroom." He gasped.
"But we're not married!" You gasped.
"No, but... I could always make you my Bride." He suggested. You almost fell out of the sky at the thought of this. You, a vampire Bride! Jonathan's bride for eternity! He could give you so much- power, beauty, eternal life, pleasure, anything. All you had to do was say yes... And die. Never breathe again, never live again. Part of Jonathan wanted to turn you, but another part held him back, like a child tugging his coattails.
You only turned Erina and Robert because they had nowhere else to go he told himself. So why turn her? She has a life in front of her, a future. Could you really kill for no reason?
You too were conflicted, puzzled over what to do. Life or death? It should be an easy decision, yet you would certainly feel it when your life ebbed away. No more sunlight? Could you really do this? You imagined your friends weeping over the news that you were dead, and you pulled away on instinct.

"No! I'm sorry, I... I can't let you bite me." You said, blinking away tears from your eyes. "It's not that I don't love you, it's just... I can't die yet."
Jonathan nodded solemnly, holding you close.
"Then live for me, ______. Live however you want, and don't let anyone hold you back. Be free, and use the life you were given. I was a fool to think of killing you!"
You two kissed again, and you took Erina's hand as the four of you floated back down to the ground.
"If I am to live freely, then I want to take you to bed, Jonathan. You, and Erina, in the room I spied on you." You said with a sensual smile. Jonathan picked up both you and Erina, and Robert opened the door to let you all in. You went up to his room, laughing as you did so. Jonathan set you down, opened the door, and ushered you into both the room, and a new life as the lover of two vampires.

Jjba Vampire AU- Children Of The Night (Jonathan/Erina/Speedwagon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now