nerd show

13 5 3

Yesterday I went to the nerd show and in addition to seeing many beautiful cosplays I also got some stuff (two pins and three manga).

Then, to my surprise there were a lot of people but the noise was in some areas.

saw three pavilions: the k-pop pavilion (I loved the fact that based on the song who knew the dance went to the balcony d danced), the pavilion video games to try for free and the pavilion of the stands.

From the video game pavilion they also did the cosplay parade based on the fandom and I couldn't help but miss this:

From the video game pavilion they also did the cosplay parade based on the fandom and I couldn't help but miss this:

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Fantastic experience and in mind I would do it again next year (maybe in cosplay)

Dare, truth, special, perle di saggezza and Humor of my life Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora