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"No matter what, I will support you big brother!"


"..How did it come to this?"

You were quietly sobbing to yourself as your brother, Gaming and your dad was having a big fight.

You couldn't make out of what they were saying as if your ears went deaf to your surroundings, you had a strong bad feeling about this.

It all started since your father showed you and your brother wushou dancing, resulting this.

You couldn't bare to see this family falling apart, and yet you couldn't do anything.

Harsh tones and disagreements could be heard from them, it felt so suffocating and cold in the room.

You were just a young fragile child.

You didn't have an exact dreams of your own, sometimes you envied your brother whose passion is to become a professional Wushou dancer but dad never came to allow it or support him. Nevertheless, you supported him and was happy for him instead. The same goes your mother too, who passed away eventually.

You knew that it wasn't right for dad to be like this despite it all but no words ever came out from your mouth. It was already painful to see the family becoming like this, you simply wish for a place where all of you can settle things peacefully, but it never came true. So you quietly cowardly wailed to yourself, in the sidelines.

Suddenly, the door of your home was swung open. You saw Gaming angrily dash out from the house and ran away.

You were shocked as you saw your brother ran away, just like that? It felt as if your heart dropped from 100 metres high up, you felt numb. You wanted to chase after him, so you got up and tried to chase after him.


You yelled out to him hut your shoulder was quickly but gently grabbed from behind, you were stopped by your dad who was shaking his head as in no.

You look back at Gaming to see his figure slowly and slowly fade away. You couldn't believe it, but it was really happening infront of your eyes.

You knew a bad thing was gonna happen, but yet you failed to stop it. You failed to support your brother, and that painful guilt will forever stain in your heart.



Author's note:
I swear you won't play as the side character, I'm guessing that you can guess what type of person you are 😼

I don't really know how did their arguement happened so I thought I would create how well I understand his backstory

I hope this satisfies you in some way

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