Chapter 5: Fight For Control

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February 21st, 2024.

Current Time: 2:30 PM.

Contains: Angst And Slight Violence.

A/N: The Bold, Italicized Text Is (Y/N)'s Controlled Self Talking.


(Y/N)'s POV

I powered on to the sound of what could be described as purring coming from the two sleeping Jesters on either side of me. I couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle at how cute they looked when they were asleep.

How can these two be this adorable?! My servos can't handle all this cuteness! I thought to myself as my internal fans switched on from how incredibly red my faceplate was at the moment.

The strangest thing about today was the fact that the Daycare was closed, which I found hard to believe since this place was open practically everyday and only closed if there was an accident or the employees had a day off.

I guess I should thank whoever had the idea to close the Daycare today because now I had the chance to just take time for myself without having to worry about the safety of the children who would normally be running around in here by now.

Standing on the balcony that overlooked the enormous Daycare, I quietly descended down onto the mats using the wire. As I walked around the area, all I could think about was the way Sun and Moon kissed me the other day.

It's already been, what, a few weeks? A few months since I've been introduced to them, and they both somehow developed romantic feelings towards me?! As much as I reciprocate their feelings, I don't want to hurt them because of the virus in my AI.

A waterfall of thoughts channeled through my mind, and the more I thought about starting a relationship with the two, the more I realized the danger I'd be putting them in if I hooked up with them.

My robotic heart tightened in pain from all the conflicted emotions I was experiencing right now, and I couldn't help but blame myself for not keeping the virus in check. It felt like a concrete slab was bashing my head in, and I finally let out a cry of sadness, frustration, and guilt.

Why did I have to fall in love with them?! I'll only make things worse if I stay with them. I continued to yell at myself for my stupidity, and it became so bad that I started to pull on my rings. My screams had woken Sun and Moon, and I didn't notice the two of them approaching me.

"(Y/N)? We heard you scream! Are you okay?!" Sun's voice was laced in concern and worry as he saw the state I was in.

"She's having some sort of attack. We have to get through to her without her lashing out at us," Moon said to his twin. Out of the two of them, Moon was better at handling situations like this. Before either of them could do anything, my systems crashed.


Moon's POV

I looked over at (Y/N), only to be met with her empty eyes. Apparently her attack was so severe that she caused her systems to shut down. From what I was hearing, she was talking to herself about how everything was her fault.

"MOON!!!! SHE JUST CRASHED ALL OF A SUDDEN!!!! WHAT DO WE DO?!!!!" I heard Sun's panicked voice to my right. He was holding his rays in a tight grip as he continued freaking out.

"Calm down Sun! She'll be fine, she just has to reboot," I told him, patting his shoulder comfortingly. The sound of machinery turning on alerted me to (Y/N) once again. When she saw us she ran, only to end up running into the Daycare doors.

"Woah! Take it easy Sunshine! What's gotten you so jumpy all of a sudden?" Sun asked her, but she just hid in one of the slides. Suddenly I got the feeling that something was wrong with her, so I immediately went to her hiding spot.

"Starlight?" I called, worry coating my words as I peeked into the slide. What I was met with made my robotic heart plummet. (Y/N)'s eyes were that familiar red color again, and her teeth were long and sharp. Her fingers were now claws, and I had a very bad feeling that she wouldn't recognize me.


(Y/N)'s POV

I couldn't stop whoever was currently controlling me, I could only watch in horror as I started chasing Moon. My worst fear was happening right in front of me, and I was powerless to stop it.

"Starlight it's me! This isn't you!" I could hear Moon cry out in fear as I trapped him in a corner. I was trapped in my own mind as the virus continued to flow through my body.

"You've broken the rules, and now you must be taught a lesson," a voice that was most certainly not my own spoke, and the controlled body of mine began to slowly dismantle Moon.

Stop it! He didn't do anything! I BEG OF YOU, PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!!!! I shouted in my own mind, praying that it would break the hold of the virus. Nothing seemed to happen, and Moon would most likely be dead within minutes if I didn't get back in control of my body.

DON'T HURT HIM!!!! I shouted again, and the controlled body of mine backed off, holding its head as it screeched in agony as I fought for control. At some point when I was finally back in control, a green glow came out of my hands and wrapped around Moon.

"S-Starlight?" Moon's weak voice whispered, causing me to increase whatever was surrounding him. From what I could see, this strange glow was healing him. Sun was watching from afar, and he was completely amazed at this mysterious new ability of mine.

Finally, after what felt like hours, I collapsed from exhaustion. I had used up a lot of my battery when fighting for control of my body and helping Moon, so I was in 'Low Power' mode. I just barely felt a hand touch my shoulder before I blacked out.


A/N: A bit of a more dramatic chapter than what usually happens in here, but I promise the next part will be more happy! We get a little bit more of an insight of the virus that's infecting you, and it's causing problems already. How will Sun and Moon react in the aftermath? Stay tuned to find out!


Word Count: 1,094.

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