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- DISCLAIMER: this is an 'AU' and is NOT what actually happened in the show or will about to happen, unless the creator of this show does so. -

This 'AU' takes place after GOB 10, which instead of TV making another challenge he just decides to take a vacation and let the contestants do as they please while he is away. This is also the "technical" GOB 11 for this 'AU' I made.

TW!!: it WILL HAVE fluff and angst, and maybe a 5% chance it could have smut. But that will 95% WILL NOT HAPPEN in this story. I am also human, so if I DO make ANY MISTAKE of grammar, not logical or accurate things happening, and anything that is not clearly stated or needed to be fixed. PLEASE TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS.

'Thank you.

About Upcoming story parts - Upcoming story parts coming is not that ACCURATE and might not come at the time you want it to come. And remember; I AM HUMAN JUST LIKE YOU!

~Upcoming story parts / Already written:

Part 1 Release ~2/20-21/2024

Part 2 Release ~ 2/20-25/2024

Earth x CJ - (Generic Object Battle/GOB Object Show)Where stories live. Discover now