Part 2; A

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DAY 2:

It's the next day and will we go to Cj's POV as he is still in his tent. Popcorn then finds it strange she did not see him outside for a while, so she goes to see what he is still doing inside his tent.

"Hey Cj, are you doing okay there?" Popcorn asks Cj as she stands outside his tent. "I'm fine, leave me alone." Cj said in reply. "You have not been out for a while, is everything okay?" Popcorn asks Cj again. "I said I am fine, just go away!" Cj says. "Well okay then, just come out soon." Popcorn said to Cj. "Okay, I will come out soon." Cj responds. Popcorn then goes away and Cj is still in the tent he has there.

We will now see what Earth is doing as he now moved in the flower fields just sitting there thinking until Checker skips around the flower fields and sees him. 

"Hi Earth, how are you doing?" Checker says happily. Earth gets surprised of what Checker is doing in the flower fields, but still puts on a great 'act'. "Oh uh, hi Checker." Earth says to Checker. "What are you doing here? Earth then says. "Just enjoying the flower fields." Checker says. "It's nice being here!" Checker then said as happy as ever. "Yeah..." Earth says still lost in thought. "Well goodbye now, see ya later!" Checker says as she goes along her way farther into the flower fields. "Bye..." Earth said.

Earth's POV: "Well, I guess it's just back to me just sitting here doing nothing at all, just sitting here looking at the clouds in the sky. Maybe I will check up on my alliance later, but I don't think there is really anyone in my alliance anymore rather than checker and burger. Even so, I know for sure that my alliance will not fail with me in it! Well, hopefully..." Earth thought.

Earth then just sits there, with nothing else to do just does his own things by himself and not really talk or do much.

Not much happened for their side of the story and was just a short 'filler' for what 'interesting things' will appear for them after day 2.

Day 3:

We now go back to Cj as the sun rises and now waking up from his nap and still cannot forget what happened back at day 1 of the 'incident'.

Cj's POV: Why can't I stop thinking about this nerdy loser. He is so annoying, but yet, why do I feel that he was... too damn cute. Those eyes, that face, that... Wait, Am I really 'falling' for that nerd. NO, NO, NO! This is worser than last time I had thought about him, I should not even be thinking about him at all! All I need to think about now is what liquid chemical I can replace this 'chemical' with. And how to get rid of it, because I can't seem to take the rest of it out, maybe popcorn can help me find out how. Now I guess I will get out this tent, I have stayed in here for long enough.

Cj then gets out of the tent and tries to find popcorn but ends up finding someone else instead... "Why are you here? Did you come to annoy me again?" Earth says, annoyed by Cj presence. "Hah I would have, but I am looking for someone else than you of all people." Cj replied. "Lemme guess. Is it because of how stupidly 'empty' you look?" Earth said smirking, escalating the situation. "I-It's only because I'm trying to find another chemical substance to put inside me you little punk."  Cj said, flustered and annoyed from Earth's expression. "If that's the case then just go to the ocean and fill yourself up with the water dumbass." Earth told Cj as he laughed. "Ugh, Whatever. I'll just go." Cj said as he leaves the area.

Earth's POV: Well, that was odd. Not that I would care about Cj anyway. But I feel... That something is... wrong. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. Might as well catch up with my 'alliance' I made. I can't keep them waiting for too long, it had been a while since I did a roll call.

Cj's POV: 


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