- Part 1; A relaxing day?

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Day 1:

The objects just did their own things before the elimination was about to start. Air Mattress still sitting near the tree, Cologne trying to flirt with popcorn again, and Blueberry still being a bit worried about getting eliminated while lime tries to comfort her some more. As everything is quite okay there with the objects, Tv then goes to announce the elimination.

"IT'S NOW ELIMINATION TIME!!!" Tv yells. "Let's get this elimination over with. I've already had one too many issues to deal with today. If you're safe you get a piece of wood from this broken stage." says Tv as he goes to reads the total votes. "We got a total of _____ votes!". Tv then goes on about who is the first one safe... "The first one safe is badge with ____ votes." *Throws wood at Badge and he almost gets hit by the wood*. "Ay, watch we're ya throwing stuff!" says Badge. "Whatever, anyways. It's down to our bottom TWO! Let's see the votes...". "Oh, please don't be me..." blueberry thought as the suspense builds up with the silence of calculating votes. "The votes are now in... Blueberry your safe with ____ " *throws wood at blueberry and it goes past her landing somewhere*. "Huh?" Blueberry confusingly says. "And of course, cactus you're out with ____ votes!". "WHATT?!" exclaims cactus. "Well too bad too sad cactus, you're out and it was quite obvious from the start." Tv states. "AUUGGGH" cactus whines, "This won't be the end of my wrath you'll hear from THIS scientist!". She then runs away a far distance into somewhere.

After the elimination... "So, what will the next challenge be?" says Blueberry. "Well, that's the thing. You won't be getting a challenge anytime soon because I have to go somewhere for a week due to important reasons." Tv says. "But you just came back!" Blueberry said. "Well Blueberry, because of the 'stunt' cactus tried to pull. There will be a substitute in my place. The substitute is hammer.". "Hi?" says hammer.". "He will be 'watching' you if you do ANYTHING bad when I get back, you will be put up for ELIMINATION INSTANTLY if hammer tells me and if you are already eliminated you will get punished! Also, he will be the one picking out who is going to be eliminated too once I come back.". TV then goes to leave for the 'important reason' he has going on. "Well now we won't have to worry about any challenge coming" says Pistachio.

They then just do their own things, just like before the elimination. Everything is going quite nice, and now we will see what Earth is doing and what will happen next.

... Earth was sitting in silence thinking about things when suddenly Cj decided to go and annoy Earth and they start arguing. "What do you want from me?" Earth asked quite annoyed of him. "Just to see how stupid you really are" Cj says teasing him. "Says the one who is dumber than me and got a 2% on their Midterm." Earth said back to him.

They keep on arguing more until something ended up almost falling on top of them. Cj ended up getting so surprised he ended up tripping on a stone as he held onto Earth for support. His liquids spilling on both of them.

"GAHH!?" Earth screamed. "What is this, is this blueberries?" Earth said as he tasted what liquid was spilled on him. They then ended up just noticing that They were on each other after Earth said that. "GET OFF ME" Earth then screamed after noticing. Cj ended up pushing earth off him as he stood up in embarrassment. "I was about to do that." Cj said softly in a rude manner crossing his arms, still quite embarrassed blushing a little more than when he noticed he was on Earth. Then someone else said something as they saw all of it. "Sorry about that," Hammer said. "I was just moving some heavy boxes for sign's dollhouse as she wanted another dollhouse but better. I was just bringing the materials over to go build it for her. I must have dropped some.". Hammer then goes to pick up the 2 dropped boxes out of the 7 he had to carry for the doll house. "Also, Cj are you okay? It seems you fell down quite hard." Hammer then says to Cj. "I'm fine, just go away before I want to punch you in the face." Cj then says more annoyed. "Okay, okay. No need for violence." Hammer says to Cj.

After Hammer leaves, CJ and Earth start arguing again just a bit about what happened. Then they go their separate ways as they are both trying to comprehend what just happened.

Earth's POV: "Did Cj blush, but why? Never mind that, I need to get this sticky liquid off me. This feels just like what happened when I presented with pomegranate yesterday." Earth thought.

Cj's (Chemical Jar's) POV: " Why did I blush... Ugh, do I actually have 'feelings' for him. NO, no way! I refuse to believe that. Stone was just being a stupid jerk. Whatever, I need to find another source of liquid chemical and clean this off me. I look so stupid, even worse I feel so stupid." Chemical Jar thought.

They then ended up seeing each other again at the beach (from GOB 5) to both clean themselves up after the 'accident' with the boxes and, of course, argued more.

"Why are YOU here Earth? Did you follow me?" CJ said rudely. "No, I just came to wash off this 'liquid' you spilled on me." Earth said back in reply. "Looks like you need to get yourself cleaned too. You look even worser than before." Earth then said mocking Cj. "I was just about to until I saw you here." Says Cj more rudely and pissed off. "Let's just get ourselves cleaned up. I am tired of arguing with you today." Earth then said. They then just go ahead and clean themselves up with the water from the ocean. But Cj can't help but look at Earth and think of what Stone said again (in GOB 4). The voice of stone echoing in his brain as he spaces out still looking a bit at Earth. "Are you okay? Why are you staring at me?" Earth said breaking the silence when he noticed. "It's nothing!" Cj quickly says loud and rudely. He then goes away leaving Earth to wonder why Cj was acting like this but decides to forget it and don't care.

Cj ends up going to where he slept before (in GOB 8) thinking of how he's going to refill himself with another chemical this time. Cj's POV: Now what, my innards are now gone because of Hammer. I don't want to ask cactus for more chemicals, I don't know where else to find any chemicals, and I still have a bit of this 'Chemical' in me. Well, I guess I will have to deal with it until I can find another good 'replacement'. 

Cj then stays in his tent and tries thinking about some other things and not about the 'incident' from the morning as he hides there in his own embarrassment. "This was so annoying." Cj thinks.

We then cut back to Earth as he just sits there thinking about stuff and what folder and pomegranate said (in GOB 9 and 10) wondering about if his ego is really that bad and tries to forget about it either way, and the 'incident' from this morning wondering even more of what Cj is hiding. Earth's POV: Am I really that bad of a person, no I wouldn't be. Right? Folder was just overreacting, and pomegranate was just trying to help me so we can win the challenge. I just wonder. Just what is up with Cj? He has been acting weird since this morning. I shouldn't even be thinking about him or any of this. This is just stupid at this point.

With nothing really left to do, Earth then goes far far away somewhere else in the distance.

They then do their own things and that's day 1 for their side of the story.

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