Chapter 3

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Well, before we went off, I thought Sari was gonna be with me and Bee but she pushed inside and went to Ratchet. Me and Bee didn't talk that much along the way since I don't have a voice and i'm having a hard time to make some gestures until he gets what i'm saying.

As we got back to the land, I hopped off Bee as Sari hopped off of Ratchet as the autobots transformed. After that, the cops arrived with dad. "Put hands where I can see them!" Captain Fanzone shouted through the megaphone. "Why does he want us to do that?" Bee asked. "I don't know, maybe it makes you look less scarier or something." Sari replied as the autobots raised their hands up in the sky and cops aimed their guns at them.

My eyes widen and I rushed up in front of the autobots and waved at them to stop, I made some gestures that they didn't hurt us but they looked confused. "Alright girl, stop dancing and step away." Captain Fanzone said as my right brow twitched and threw the white board down and kicked it away to release my anger. I just hate it when nobody understands that i'm mute! "It's okay! They're friendly! Except for the red and white one, he's kinda grumpy! But other than that!" Sari exclaimed and went in front too and she was trying to calm me down. 

Dad gasped when he saw us and ran towards us. "Sari! Civia! Thank goodness you two are okay!" He hugged us. Captain Fanzone must have known that they are no longer threat since we're still alive. "Lower your weapons!" He ordered the cops and I sighed silently in relief. "It's okay now guys! You can put your hands down now" Sari said as they put their hands down and faced back to dad as he pulled back from the hug. "Soo, can we keep them?" Sari said as I pinched her cheeks. "Ow! Hey!" She glared at me and pouted as I giggled and ruffled her hair then we went home. 

~~~Time Skip~~~

After the ceremony of the autobots for saving Detroit yesterday. The autobots were going around town to know something more about earth but the people wouldn't even leave them alone. Bulkhead was stuck in the traffic, Prowl was busy admiring the nature, Ratchet was off somewhere in peace, Me Sari and Bumblebee were at the drive thru of Burger Bot as Sari was teaching how we humans fuel up everyday. As she ordered the food she usually eats at Burger Bot. 

Haa, I would be bored out of my mind right now but hanging with the autobots is cool! After taking a quick snack, it's Optimus Prime's turn to learn about Cybertron about the children in there. Then he asked us where do smaller organics came from. I looked at Sari and let her whisper where it came from, after that, his optics went wide which made me laugh at his reaction. This is gonna be a fun day! 

~~~~Time Skip cause I'm getting Lazy~~~~ 

Another ceremony yet again, since last night there was a fire at the building and you know saving and stuff. I sat on Bee's shoulder as we are talking about ourselves then there was jets flying around the sky as the people were in awe. "For once, something that flies aren't Decepticons." Bee said as I tapped his helm and I raised my white board saying. 'So in your world, something that flies are Decepticons?' "Yep! That's how you tell our difference of our sides! Well, not all of them, just be careful who you trust" Bee smiled and I nodded. 

"It's pretty rare to see someone who doesn't have a voice." He said as I gloom a bit, I really want to talk and communicate like others but thanks to my disability, there's no chance I will talk. "H-hey! At least you can do someone can't! Like uh, sign hands thingys?" Bee smiled nervously as I giggled and hugged him. I wrote the board once again and showed it to him. 'It's called sign language, silly!' I smiled. 

"Hey! Is that guy nuts?!" Bulkhead shouted as he pointed the jet towards us. "It can't be..!" Ratchet said as the jet transformed and shot laser beam at us. Bee held me close to his chestplate as the autobots slammed to the train. Bee put me down immediately as he was ushering me to go away. Dad rushed to me and hugged me as he felt relieved that i'm in one piece. Then the transformer, Starscream was aiming at us and began shooting at us. Captain Fanzone, the President, Dad, Sari and Me started to run towards the train, I noticed that Sari was getting left behind, I slowed down and went behind her, as Starscream was about to shoot us, I pushed Sari ahead and looked back seeing that the beam was about to hit me. My eyes widen and froze at place "Civia!" Bumblebee shouted then suddenly he jump in front of me as he got shot at the back. 

"BUMBLEBEE!" Sari shouted and I went to him as Starscream grabbed his arm and Starscream noticed me. "Ah, autobot's pet eh?" He smirked and grabbed me as well, I started struggling to break free. "Now let's try this again.. BRING ME THE ALLSPARK YOU AUTOBOTS SCUM!" He shouted as he showed me and Bee to Optimus and the others as their optics widened. Optimus stood up and glared at Starscream. "My name is Optimus Prime and i'm willing to sacrifice my life to defend the allspark!" Optimus exclaimed as Starscream was starting to get pissed. "But are you willing to sacrifice this?" Starscream threw Bumblebee away as his grip tightens around me and having a hard time to breath. The key glows as it let out a flash bang which made Starscream let go of me and i'm falling down to the ground but lucky Prowl made it on time to catch me but I couldn't stay up any longer as I blacked out. 

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