Chapter 8

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Bumblebee's PoV:

             When Boss Bot went to us, me, Ratchet, Prowl and Bulkhead gasped when we saw Civia's condition. Her chest area was burned and revealing her robotic insides (A/N: I dunno what is called but if you can recall when Sari saw her elbow was exposed? Just try to imagine that in her chest ) as it sparks as Ratchet act quickly, but trying to figure it out how to repair or heal the Techno-organic. 

             I just wish that she will be okay! Please Civia, wake up. I frowned and clenched my fist as Sari then she told me that everything will be alright.

Meanwhile at Civia's mind:

            "Urgh..." I groaned as I woke up in the darkness. Sari? Dad? Guys?! I looked around and stood up as I walked around mindlessly around the darkness. "You can't hide from child.." A familiar deep voice said as I gulped and looking around the pitch black place. "S-Show yourself! I'm not afraid!" I shouted as it followed by a chuckle "Brave eh? How about this?" The voice said as there was a spotlight showing Bee.. All broken.. His optics were offline and his body parts was missing. Then next was Sari, a hole through her chest as I gasped and covered my eyes.

             'T-This is not real Vi! I-It's only a hallucination!' I mentally screamed as I uncovered my eyes then I screamed at the top of my lungs as Megatron was in front of me, grinning. "It was YOU who did this Civia.." He said then pointing at me as I glared at him. "Lies! You're lying!" I shouted at him as I tried to put a brave face on. There's no way I killed them! He's only messing with me! Then a mirror was in front of me, as I looked at my own reflection, my eyes were bright red as there was a violet crack through my left eye, the orb at my chest was red as well as there was spikes attached at my back. "Like my upgrade to you? I can even control you at my will" Megatron said as he grabbed me tightly as I struggled through his grasp then he showed me that the autobots were destroyed.. Offline.. "It was you who did this Civia.." Megatron whispered to me as tears were forming in my eyes.

At the outside:

            While Ratchet was trying to save Vi's life. She suddenly start turning left and right, mumbling a lot of things as the other grew worried "N-no... G-get a-away.." Civia mumbled as Sari tried to help her calm down by holding her hand or by rubbing her cheek, saying everything would be fine "N-No..! M-Megatron..." Civia said as Optimus' optics widen. Even in her mind that Megatron was still haunting her. Then suddenly the orb at her chest suddenly glows as it let out a flash, making every one blind for a second. After their vision was cleared, Civia was already awake, drenched in sweat and tears and her chest was repairing itself, covering her robotic part. Sari pulled Civia in a bear hug as Bee was relieved. Civia hugged Sari and looked at Bee. She smiled as she hugged his legged and saying things like 'Dear goodness you're still alive!' and stuff like that as Bee picked her up, poking her as they laughed then Civia kissed Bee's cheek as his cheeks turn red and Civia giggled. But Civia couldn't forget the nightmare.. Would it be possible that it will happen in the future? No one knows..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2015 ⏰

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