Stuff and Thangs

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35. Recite Drake lyrics and see how many people you can make cry. (A/N oh my gosh hahah I was literally just listening to Drake and thinking about how like some of the lyrics are like 😪 but anywhore,onward.)

36. Run around like a badass and pretend to be a secret agent running from bad guys.

37. Get one of those party confetti poper thing and pop it on some person and say they won something.

38. Have one of you friends start running away from you and run after them and yell " FREEZE GNOME FUCKER IT THE MOTHER LICKING FBI!!!"

39. Walk down a street screaming as loud as you can "THE GRAPES WILL KILL US ALL!!!"

A/N Hello lovely thanks for reading and I hope I made you laugh, if I did please tell me because then I will be all like ☺️☺️ but anyway have a good rest of your night/day.

100 Random Things To Do In Public (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now