49. not be with you 😢

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Jungkook got a call form unknown number he receive the call

??: are you family member of jeon taehyung ?

JK: yeah I am

??: sir Mrs jeon is in hospital

Before the person could say something further his phone slide form his hand

??: he is in gate hospital

Jimin pick up the phone

Jimin: we are coming there

Jungkook run to his car jimin also site in car with him his heart is beating at the speed of some bullet train

He is feeling uneasy after that when he heard about tae is in hospital

It is enough to give him heart attack, the car is in full speed driving to the hospital

He don't care about traffic rules and other things he just to fly away to the hospital

After they reached to the hospital jungkook barely parked the car

He just run in the hospital, jimin and jungkook both are inforent of reception

JK:  we got a call about jeon taehyung

Receptions: jeon taehyung let me check

JK: pls do it fast

Jungkook is already very nervous and worried about tae

Now this news about him make him more worried

Now this news about him make him more worried

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Receptionist: sir jeon taehyung is in operation theater in third floor

JK: okay

Receptionist: you have to do some formalities

Jimin: I can do that , you go to see taehyung

Jungkook went to the third floor he saw the operation theater doctors are doing there work

He site in chair waiting for doctors to come out , he buries his face in his hands regretting everything

He site in chair waiting for doctors to come out , he buries his face in his hands regretting everything

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After sometime

The doctor came out of the operation theater, he took off his glasses

Jungkook went to him with hope to see tae again

Jk: doctor I am the patient's husband, he is okay na

Jungkook is sad but still have some hopes but than the doctor and nurse look at each other

Doctor; sorry sir but we are not able to save him , he had several injures his condition was very critical (looked down)

Jk; no no you are lying he can't leave him

Jungkook look at the doctor with angry yet disappointment

Jk: who give you doctor degree when you are not able to save your patient

Doctor: sir we are doctors we can just try to save them but life and death is not in our hands [sad]

Jungkook broke down into tears he fell on his kneels his heart which was beating up now break into millions of pieces

Jk: you are doctor right we consider doctors as gods please save my wife

I will die without him doctor please please (crying badly)

Doctor: sorry sir we can do anything now

Doctor sigh and left form there leaving a broken soul behind him

Jungkook is crying so badly he expecting that it's not someone else with same name

Jungkook is crying so badly he expecting that it's not someone else with same name

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Hope you all cried well

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Love you all Bye

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