Chapter 5: 𝒵𝑜𝑒

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   "Hold on, Zoe, let me make sure I understand this correctly. You're saying that some guys came up to you, apologized, and gave you roses? And then they ran away?" Promised exclaimed, clearly astonished. I nodded in response.
Earlier today, five of my classmates approached me and each of them gave me roses along with a letter. I was really surprised, especially when I read one of the notes and it mentioned how they sexualizing my body and that they made other sorts of comments and wanted to apologize.
"This is confusing Promise, because I didn't even realize they had said anything, and what's worse, I didn't even see them during the tour that I gave Joseph and Mark" I explained, lost in thought.
     Smelling the flowers, "It sure is a strange way to start the week. They definitely have good taste in flowers though" Promise said, admiring one of the guys' flowers.
"I have to go Zoe, tell me more tomorrow or later if it's possible" Promise said.
"Okayy bye Promise take care" I said waving at her.
These aren't even casual flowers these are seriously big flower bouquets. I'm seriously just trying to get to class but these flowers are keeping me from moving quicker. This is a great way of starting today's week, couldn't things get any worst. Just this hallway and finally I'll be able to sit down.
God these flower are pissing me off-
    "Need help with those darling?"
    "No thank yo- oh? heyy Mark how is your first day going?" I said acting like the way he called me did not just affect me somehow.
    "It's decent, quite the big campus ain't it?" He said while looking around.
    I smiled "Yeah it is but you'll get use to it, trust me."
    "Counting on it." Mark said smiling.
    "See you around then Mark" I smiled back at him. "Sure thing darling"
    After Mark's sudden appearance, I made it to class. Today's lecture was quick, and now the whole class is working on notes for our next test. I need to study. The whole time I've been here, I've been feeling this weird sensation like someone's been looking at me, but I haven't turned around because I don't want to seem weird or rude to others.
     It hadn't crossed my mind that today was supposed to be Marks Joseph's first day. As I saw Mark earlier he was definitely well-dressed, and I wanted to compliment him, but I was so caught up in his deep voice and in how he was attentively looking at me while talking about his first day. I gotta admit, I enjoyed his company more than I should've during that small interaction we had earlier.
    What am I thinking now.
    "I know that you guys still have 25 minutes before your next lecture, but if you want to stay and finish any work, you're more than welcome to. But for those who want to leave, you're dismissed. See you all in our next lesson, have a great day" our professor said as he left.
    Well now that I can leave I can- where's my phone-
    "Excuse me"
    "Im sorry I'll move in just a second it's just that im looking for my-"
    "Perhaps this phone that you dropped earlier without noticing?"
    I was about to thank him when I looked at who had picked up my phone but instead I froze once I saw who had my phone.
    I had no idea we would have this class together. I hadn't noticed that he was here. Maybe after all that strange sensation earlier was because of Joseph. And now these flowers prevented me from noticing that my phone even fell. This day has seriously not been great.
    "How long are you keep me waiting with your phone while your lost in thought Zoe? Is being the top student hard that you can't even focus on what's going on around you?" Joseph said with an emotionless expression as he looked at me.
    "Sorry about that Joseph, and regarding your question, no it's not hard it's just not my day as you can tell." I said glancing at the flowers and letters.
    "Here's your phone" Joseph said looking at me then my flowers one last time before he turned the other way and left.
    So little for that face of yours I thought to myself.
    Unfortunately after my not-so-great conversation with Joseph, I almost wished he was having the worst day ever, even worse than mine if possible. Everything about him seems perfect, but what the hell was that earlier? He was looking at me like I had somehow got on his nerves. Like Jesus I'm sorry that I was in your way, but why look at me like I'm your enemy? Why do I even care? I just need to get over this last lecture of the day and then I can finally call it a day.
-30 min later-
My last class of the day finally ended. Dad insisted in going on car but Promised texted me telling me to go study instead at her house so now I just need to wait until she's out of her class. I need a serious shower I smell like flowers and it's irritating.
"Waiting on someone darling?"  I didn't even have to turn to find out who was talking to me I already knew from just the word darling that it was none other than Mark.
I looked at him "I am. How was your first full day like Mark?" I said as I stood up.
     "It wasn't bad, however..." he said as he got closer to me "Smells like you had an awesome day" he said while looking at the flowers and letters.
     I looked up at him "I wish I can call it "awesome" as well but unfortunately for me that wasn't the case. But what can I do right?" I said as he was now facing me. He lifted up his hand and gently lifted my chin, as he was about to make another comment he looked behind me and looked back at me and smiled. "See you around darling" he said as he left.
    God what just happened....he was so close to my face that I completely forgot how to move. Shit Promise.
     As I turned around Promise was already looking at me speechless.
    "Omg Zoe" Promised said blushing.

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