Ariana's P.O.V.

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Today dragged on way too long. After German II, advanced literature couldn't have more boring. I mean really when in life am I going to need how to use a comma splice or a metaphor? Photography made me want to throw my entire existence out the window as my eccentric, red headed and bearded teacher explained how to focus on the background of an image. Then after photography, I headed to choir where we started rehearsal for the school musical that was based off the Wizard of Oz where Mr. Kreg announced the cast list. I was ecstatic when I was chosen as Dorothy and when Zayn arrived five minutes late I ran into his arms and gave him a slight kiss on the cheek that left a light pink kiss outline. I wiped it off before almost screaming out that he had won the part of the scarecrow, the two had a slight romance in this musical and we hoped that we would win the parts.

After two hours of practicing, the final bell rang that announced our elective class was over and we were free from the prison of school. I snuck up behind Zayn and gave him a hug from behind that startled him, I laugh because he is always to jumpy. I feel his warm lips press onto my cheek and he whispers, "Don't forget about tonight beautiful."

I feel as if my heart has just melted and the liquid was warming me, he never failed to give me butterflies even after a year and a half of dating. "I won't, I promise. I'll see you later." He gives me another tight squeeze before he walks away and exits the auditorium. When I see and hear the click of the door closing I jumped up in excitement and throw my hands up and let out a girlish cliche squeal you would expect to see in a cheesy chick flick. I feel the wide spread grin still on my face as I turn around to make sure nobody saw and I push on the metal door and arrive into the bare hallways.

After gathering all my things I am outside walking towards my tiny, which Chevy Spark. I press on the unlock symbol on my remote starter and hear the chik-chik noise that indicates it worked, I throw my pink backpack into the passenger seat and plant myself behind the wheel. I slam the door a little too hard before inserting my key into the ignition and hear it growl to life, I put my old Britney Spears CD in and sing along to "If You Seek Amy" as I switch to drive and press down on the gas pedal.

I arrive home and walk across the white porch, I slip my key into the deadbolt and push open the door. "Hello?" I call out, unsure if anybody is home. Hearing no response I remember that mom and dad are at a benefit for one of dad's co-workers. I hang my backpack up on a hook designated in the living room closet for me before I walk upstairs to my bedroom, I turn the gold colored knob and look at the alarm clock in my room that read 3:46. Two hours and fourteen minutes, I can get ready in that time, I pull open the walk in closet doors and look for something to wear. I look at at a sparkly pink dress I wore once last year at my dad's annual work party, then I remember about the Forever 21 gift card Zayn bought me. Oh crap! I instantly start rummaging through all my things to search for anything with a tag that is new, and luckily I come by a beautiful dress that looked like something Forever 21 would sell. It was tight on top, strapless and started about four fingers below the collar bone and was very chesty and the bottom, which was short also, flaired out and was overall stunning.

I grab the hanger and a pair of black heels before placing them in my adjoining bathroom. I walk over to my dresser drawers and pull out a black thong and strapless bra and place them in the bathroom as well. I strip out of my clothes and place them in my tan laundry basket before undoing my hair. I take it out of it's ponytail and run my fingers through it, massaging my scalp for a couple minutes before I walk over to the shower and turn the shower knob midway between the hot and middle symbol.

After cleansing my hair with shampoo and conditioner and lathering myself with vanilla scented body wash, I rinse off in case I have any excess still left on me before I turn the water off. I lean for the white towel and step onto the squishy shower pad outside the shower as I dry off. Once all my body is dried and my hair is as towel dried as possible, I plug in the blow drier and let my hair fly around until it feels and looks dry. I then pull my straightener out of one drawer and plug it into the outlet and walk away as it warms up, I pull on my bra and thong and slip into my black dress when I see my clock now says 4:26. I return into the bathroom yet again and slip my hair between the two hot irons until all my red locks are straightened and uniform. I then grab a black ponytail off the sink counter top and pull my hair into a loose side ponytail, it took a couple attempts to get it perfect but I eventually got it. I grab my make up kit and pull out my black eyeliner, I apply just enough to make my eyes pop before I grab the mascara and lengthen my eyelashes. I then put a shimmery pink lip gloss on before painting my nails a glittery silver, I slip my toes into the black heels and grab my white iPhone that had one message and I opened it, I scanned it and it had Zayn's name on top and it simply read:

"See you tonight gorgeous, <3"

Even though he didn't say much, I still felt my heart beat a little faster. The top of my phone showed it way already 5:24, I carefully walked down the stairs in my heels and grabbed my overly sparkly silver purse and grabbed my keys that were covered in various key chains. I found the one for the house and walked out the door, turning back to lock it before I unlocked my car. I climbed inside the white car and Circus blared through the car speakers at full volume, I feel myself jump as if I've been struck with a lightning bolt and I scream "Holy shi-!" I stop myself mid-sentence as I reach forward to crank the volume level down.

After I feel myself relax I put my car in reverse and drive down the long, black driveway to the road. Once I'm on the road I turn the music back up and sing along yet again, I navigate my way around the city until I see "Ricchoni's" in swoopy, red, neon letters spelled along the newly built restaurant's brick outside. I see the parking spot next to Zayn's black Bentley is open, I manage to squeeze my way into the parking spot and open my car door barely so I didn't hit the other person's car and had to practically smush myself again my car to get out. I do one final hair check in my phone's reflection before I click myself towards the glass doors, I thank the gentleman who opens the door for me and walk inside to the smell of spaghetti and garlic bread invading my nostrils. I look around and spy Zayn in a booth in one of the corners, I feel my stomach lift and feel light as I walk towards him, taking deep breath to keep myself calm.

I smile when I see him stand up, he looks more gussied up than usual but looks casual. I see him eye me up and down and his lips curl into a smile. "You look... beautiful."

I feel the blood rushing to my face, I can feel it warming me due to my happiness and nervousness taking over. I wrap my arms around his lower body and pull myself into a hug, resting my head on his chest for a few moments before I release him and lower myself into the booth seat across from him. "You don't look bad yourself either, handsome." I look over and see a man approach our table wearing a black and white uniform.

"Hello, my name is Louis and I will be your server for this evening. What can I start you two off to drink with?"

Zayn looks up at him, "Umm... I'll take a Coke."

Louis nods and looks at me, "And for the lady?"

Did he just call me lady? He's one year, two tops, older than I am. I roll my eyes as I look at the table, "Yeah, I'll take a Sprite."

"Sure thing." Louis places a menu in front of each of us. "I'll be back in a few minutes to take your orders."

Louis walks away and I look at Zayn who I realize has been looking at me. I giggle slightly and look down at my menu, "This place is really spectacular, thank you Zayn." I feel him grab ahold of my hand from across the table and runs him thumb over the top.

"Anything for you Ari. You mean the world to me and I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy, babe."

I feel the warmth in my face again but this time it's in my cheeks. We then scanned through our menus and after about three minutes Louis returned to our tables with out drinks, he pulled out a pen and paper then asked, "What will it be for you two tonight?"

"Umm, I'll take the ravioli but without the spinach in the stuffing." I answered.

Zayn bit his bottom lip before answering, "And I will have the linguini with clam sauce."

"Alright, I'll be back with your food when it's finished. I you need anything else just flag me down." Louis grabs each of our menus from us before heading into the kitchen.

I trace my fingers over Zayn's hand and we talk over school, work, movies, music, and countless other things for the fifteen minutes before Louis returned with out food. He placed then two dishes before us before asking, "Is there anything else I can get for you two?" We both shake our heads and Louis leaves us again.

Half an hour later we exit through the glass doors holding hands. The chilly night air brushes our revealed skin and causes goosebumps to shoot down the arms, Zayn and I give one final embrace and he says softy "Meet you at my place hon." He kisses my forehead before he unlocks the black Bentley and crawls into the front seat, he gives me a wave and I see him drive away and I can slightly hear a Bruno Mars song escape through his car.

I unlock my car and plop myself in the drivers seat when I remembered that I was supposed to bring an bag of extra clothes. Oh no big deal, I'm sure Zayn has something I can wear. I carefully navigate myself out of the parking lot and onto the road, driving to Zayn's for a night of romance.

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