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-DogDay's pov

It was a another day at the playcare kids laughing workers doing their job and the smilling critters spending time and taking care of the kids, i stood quietly outside of Home sweet home waiting for someone, waiting for a small kid that had arrived 1 week ago.

One of the workers said that last week a small kid was found locked inside a chest and was thrown in the River outside of poppy playtime Co. And for the while i should be the one to keep an eye on the new kid, since i was one of  the kid's most  favorite smilling critter. So i waiyed patiently my hands on my back and calmingly staring at those doors, after a dew minutes Mommy long legs slosly walks out with a big smile on her face

"Hello DogDay, you're the one in charge of the kid for this couple of days right?"

She asks a warm smile on her face,her  voice had a sweet soothing tone, i nodded the corners of my mouth widening a little more showing a true smile, my tail wagging slowly.

"Good to see you two Mommy Long Legs! And Yes im the one who was requested to keep an eye on the new kid, speaking of wich..."

I said looking around and behind her trying to see who or ahere the small kid was my tail stopping and my ears lowering slightly when i didnt see them anywhere, slowly i looked up and tilted my head to the side in a confused manner.

"Where's the kid?..i dont see them anywhere..did something happened? Or is the kid just scared?"

I asked amd mommy Just laughed at my slight worried state, then slowly moving to the side to reveal a small kid who was hiding behind her, the kid seemed to be around 4 years old, i frowned as i saw the kid's state...

They were very pale...and not in a normal or healty way...their cheek bones where showing, just like their ribs, the kid was wrapped around a small blanket hair still wet, they had small cuts, ...Wip marks and wounds around her body specially their arms and legs, clothes all old and eith lots of holes in it. 

"Dont worry DogDay the kid is fine...they're just a bit shy amd fearful at the moment..."

Mommy said, backing awua from the kid who looked up at her in a slight deseperate and sad way, i covered my mouth with my paws shocked at the sight...i Knew they were thrown on that river inside that chest but...i never thought they would be in this state...

" you okay? I-i M-mean do you need something?..what happened to you i-i mean-!"

I Asked not knowing how to react after seeing the way the small kid looked like as i kneeled down quickly in front of the kid and raised a paw to touch their shoulder, the kid flinched and closed their eyes like if they were wisting to be punched in the face, i immediately stopped and retracted my hand looking at the kid horrified, they were even scared of being touched..imagine the horrors this kod had gone through. I felt a handbeing placed on my shoulder and i slowly looked up seeing ut was mommy long legs she frowned and looked back at the kid before saying.

"Take it easy DogDay...While the security was interrogating (Y/n) the only thing that it came out from their mouth was the pretty sure they're too scared to say anything more..."

She explained reaching one of her stretchy hands towards the kid, wich didnt seemed to flinch, problably because mommy they somehow trusted in her, and gently gave (Y/n) a gentle head pat before retracter her hand again and spoking

"I'll leave them to your care now DogDay i have to watchthe rest of the kids you think you can handle it by yourself?"

She asks and i looked at the Kid my brows furrying in Sadness my heart arching at the sight of the kid eho problably passed through malnutrition, dehydration and lots of Abuse, slowly i nodded and said in a calm tone

"Yes i can dont worry mommy long legs you can go and watch over the rest of the kids i'll ask for your help in case i need anything"

She nods and walks away to go back and eatch over the other kids, i looked back at the child in front of me in silence trying to think of a way to interact with them without scaring them, slowly my smile got bigger as i carefully extended my left paw towards them, my ears lowering slightly and my tail wagging in a slow motion trying to look as harmless as i can while spoking in a calm way trying to sooth the kid

"'re (y/n) right?..."

Nothing, they just looked at my paw in a uneasy way, taking some steps back.

"Its okay! Im not here to harm you..i just wanna Name's one of the smilling critters"

I said and (Y/n) looked back at my face with a confused expression and backed away a little good Job...(DUMBASS-)  The kid problably dont know or never heard before abput thesmilling critters, still trying to look harmless i looked (y/n) up and down, they had dirt, small barbs problably from the chest on their hands and arms and the worst...(y/n's) hands we're blood...

"Look..(y/n) i have no intentions of harming you kid you can trust me you're safe from harm here, no one will hurt you..i promise.."

I sayd in a soothing way reaching my paw forwards again near the kid trying to encourage them into saying something or at least let me help them, (y/n) wlowly looked at my paw not seeming terrified anymore and slowly..reached one of their  small bloody hand towards mine, plafing on top of it, i wrapped my finger around their tiny hand squeezing it in a comfroting way.

I immediately stopped when (y/n) hissed in pain, i let go and lifted my paws up in the air while apologizing

"I-im sorry! I didnt meant to hurt you please forgive me..."

I said in a pleading tone (Y/n) looked at their hand before a really tiny smile appeared on their face, and they spoke, the voixe so low that it seemed like a whisper.

"...its o-okay.."

I sighed in relief and slowly walked closer placing my huge fuzzy paw on their shoulder and squeezing gently, whileusing my other one to cleanthe dirt off of their shirt noticing how it fept like a thin paper...its a miracle hoe this lid didnt ended up getting hypothermia. It also seemed they didnt took a bath for months, my nose twicthing slightly at the smell of old and fresh blood..

" about..i give you a warm bath and something to eat amd drink? You can chose what you'd like to have, and i can let you meet the other critters, how does that sound?"

I ask in a hopeful manner, (y/n looled me deeply in the eyes before looking down at the ground seeming to hesitate or getting anxious before slowly looking back up and nodding slowly


I smiled, noding and slowly but carefully wrapping my hands around (y/n's) torse and lifting them up off of the ground, holding them near my chest, while trying to hid e  the shocked expression on my face, they were so light..even more then a feather or leaf...

I just shooked my head and looked down at  (y/n)  while slowly leaving PlayCare and heading towards my House While rubbing their back soothingly

"Okay then! Dont worry you're in good hands! Or should i say...Good paws?"

I joke chuckling slightly while looking down at them, noticing how (y/n) let out a quiet laugh seeming to like the joke, my tail starting to wag faster at their reaction.

....Next Page Coming Soon...

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