chapter 2

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"Hello my sweet baby, I see you like to stare. Oh my, your all wet, let's sort this out for you..." 

I froze, I felt way too scared to even feel embarrassed about the fact she instantly pointed out my wet diaper. I couldn't move or speak, all I could feel were tears falling down my cheeks. She quickly wiped away my tears and turned around. Even her bum was amazing. She had such a good bubble butt. I could see it jiggling at her every movement. She was looking for something on a set of white shelves just next to the bed, her body was blocking my view of the shelves so all I could see were her arms moving. I finally mustered up the courage to speak and all that came out was pleads that felt like they were falling on death ears.

"Who are you? Why did you take me? Please let me go, I won't tell anyone I promise! Just please let me go. Please!"
I begged and begged

"Hush hush baby, calm down. I can't let you go, I'm your mummy and I need to look after you. Settle down I'll get you all cleaned up and refreshed in a minute. Now where is it? Ah there it is"

She spun around holding what looked to be a really big pacifier that clearly wasn't for babies with straps on it. I was so confused and didn't even know what to think.

"Now I'm going to put this on you to help keep you quiet and then I'm going to slowly untie you. We need to get you changed out of that wet diaper or you will get a rash!"

As soon as I realised what she meant I gasped and clamped my mouth firmly shut. All she did was chuckle at me and used her fingers to block my nose. I tried to hold my breath for as long as I could but I had to open my mouth to breath again, I however regretted this instantly because she shoved the pacifier into my mouth and quickly manovered my head to put the straps behind my head. I felt her tighten it and heard a click. I couldn't even use my tongue to push it out.

"Good girl, no need to be nervous my little sweetheart, I just want to take care of my baby"

She untied my right arm and then untied my left arm. She hadn't closed the door when she came into the room so as soon as my legs were untied and I was stood up I was going to bolt for the door. She very slowly untied my feet and helped me get on my feet and balanced. She looked proud of untying me from the bed and as soon as I saw my chance, I ran. My heart was pounding so fast and my legs went as fast as they could. I reached the door, swung my body outside the room and ran in any direction my legs took me. I saw a flight of stairs going downstairs so I grabbed onto the banister and went to run down the stairs when I suddenly got pulled back viciously by the hair


I tried to scream but this pacifier made it so difficult to make any noises, my entire body got pulled back and I was forced onto the floor. My scalp was burning, it felt like someone had ripped a chuck of my hair out. Next thing I knew this woman was pinning me to the floor just at the top of the stairs shouting at me


She grabbed a massive chunk of my hair and dragged my back to the room this started in. Tears spilling down my face while I try murmimg out and begging her to let me go but it's just garble that comes out because of this stupid pacifier!!

Once I'm dragged back into the room she throws my tiny frame onto this large shelving unit that was soft at the top and tied my arms and legs to the side. I felt so trapped and scared. The woman looked seething. I knew I was in for it as soon as she turned around with the most evilest grin I have ever seen painted on a humans face.

"You have been a very bad girl, do you know what happens to bad girls?" She asked me waiting patiently for me to answer all the while still smiling

I slowly shook my head no, terrified of making the slightest movements. I could still feel the cold dampness on my butt and legs from this wet diaper.

"Bad girls don't get what they want. Bad girls get punished. Here let me sort this diaper out for you..." She slowly trailed off at the end

As soon as I saw her reaching for the tapes of the diaper I started to thrash around as much as I could and scream as much as I could but to no avail. She still managed to undo all 4 tapes. She very dramatically opened up the diaper and had a very curious look on her face

"I don't think little girls need all this hair down here do they??"

She went and got a razor and some shaving cream and shaved my pussy until is was bald and smooth. My cheeks felt so hot and I could just tell they were bright red from embarrassment. She pulled out another diaper from under the shelves I was on and my heart just sank. I don't want to be in diapers it feels disgusting and horrible. I start shaking my head now hoping and praying she'll show me mercy and let me go. This does not work. She starts rummaging around for something else. But I didn't actually see what she got.

Then to my utter horror and surprise I feel her using her fingers to play with my butt hole. I can feel her sticking a finger in and out slowly and circling it. Then she pulls her finger out but then seconds later I feel her push something inside me all the way up, then I feel her do it again, she does this another 3 times to me and it feels really uncomfy. She then sprinkles and rubs in some baby powder all over my private parts and bum and it smells really nice.  As I start to calm down I feel her retape up the wet diaper back onto me. I quickly look at her with a huge confused expression and tilted my head.

"Bad baby's don't get a diaper change when they want. Bad baby's are made to fill up their diapers to the capacity. I've given you 5 supporitories which will make you go poopies in your diaper. You will not be getting changed until tomorrow now. Next time I suggest you behave"

I didn't even know what to do, I couldn't move because I was tied down and I couldn't say anything because of this stupid pacifier. Just as I focus on the pacifier I realise I have already started sucking on it without even realising it. I felt disgusted with myself. I'm not a baby!
She then started opening the other diaper up and pull my hips up to place the diaper under my already diapered butt. She tapes this up and I can already tell how thick this is. After this she then untied my arms and legs again, this time I didn't dare run because I was scared of her and my belly was really hurting me now. She dragged me over to the bed again but this time she made me kneel on the floor and tied my arms to the bed posts so I was leaning over the bed. The worst part was that now I was pushing on my belly and making the pain worse. My legs had been spread apart due to the thickness of the padding taped onto me. I could feel a shift in my stomach and then my bum started pushing without me telling it to. A very loud fart sounded the room and I heard a noise that sounded like a phone taking photos.

"It's starting!!!" She sang excitedly...

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