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I can't take it anymore.

Kyle won't leave me alone he asked me every three minutes what song I'm listening to and it's only been three hours.

Help me.

I grab a pen and paper from my bag and start to write.

I might die on this vacation around these boys.

Dear Katie,
If I die you can have my car, give Blake to Haley, tell mom and dad 'fuck you'. Give all of my things to goodwill. I love you so much.

"Hey what's that?" Kyle asks.

I moan.

"It's my death letter," I say.

"Why?" Elijah asks.

"Because you guys are driving me crazy so I might die, who knows?" I explain.

"Hey! I'm offended you didn't write anything about me on there," Kevin swerves the car.

"Because you're part of why I might die," I yell and hang on to the handle."Drive nicely please."

"Why won't you give Blake to me?" He asks.

"Because you're so mean to him, if anything I'll give him to Elijah," I pout and cross my arms.

"You guys act like five year olds," Elijah laughs.

And to think I was going to give Blake to him.

"That's it I can't drive anymore," Kevin says.

"Why? What's wrong?" I ask as he pulls over.

"My foot hurts from football still and you guys are giving me a headache," he explains."You need to drive."

"I can't right now," I hiss.

"Why the hell not?" He asks.

"Because I'm mad and when I'm mad I drive crazy and could kill us all," I yell.

"I'll drive," Kyle gets out the car and opens Kevin's door.

"I'll go in the back," I say.

"But-" Kyle says.

"I'm not sitting next to you asshole," I snap and climb to the backseat behind the drivers next to Elijah.

"Fine," Kevin scoots to my passenger seat.

"Hey give me my stuff," I tap his shoulder."Please."

Kevin hands me my back pack and purse.

"Thanks," I mutter.

I lean back listen to Panic! At the Disco now.

"Why don't you wear your seatbelt?" Elijah asks me.

Kevin turns up the radio on the front speakers so its kind of quiet back here.

"I don't know," I say.

"Well what if we got into an accident?"

"Who cares?" I ask.

"Your parents!" He exclaims.

I laugh, and I can't stop. This kid. My parents? My parents would so care! Hah.

Note my sarcasm.

"Why are you laughing?" He asks.

"Elijah no one would care, my parents would probably be happy I was gone," I explain and calm down.

Without me they wouldn't have to worry not that they do right now but they wouldn't have to worry as much.

"I care."

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