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"W-w-wait!" I snap. "Which Caven?"

There was no way in hell I would date Kyle Caven, even if we were the last two people on earth I would just kill my self because I can't take it.


And elijah, well that's a different story.

"I mean I thought Kyle would be good for you," Haley says.

"No! No! No! I don't know how many times I have to say it, I don't like him, he's such a fuck boy! He crosses all the lines, we just mess around," I defend.

"And by mess around you mean fuck around," Haley laughs.

"I thought you were trying to help me, but Kyle?" I ask and yell.

"Keep your voice down! I am trying to help you Averie, I just thought you guys do because you're always flirting, plus look at this," Haley pulls out her phone.

She shows me a picture of Kyle and I cliff diving.

"We were just jumping into the water, it was fun, there was nothing more and how'd you get that?" I ask.

"Kyle posted it on Instagram," she explains.

"Well what's the comment?" I ask and take her phone. "It says 'best girl best friend ever, suck it bitches.'"

"Oh," Haley says.

"Thank you Kyle," I smirk.

"I just thought-"

"No," Cameron stands in front of Haley. "Elijah."


"I can't believe we're actually doing this," I roll my eyes.

"Well everyone is finally here, so we are going to celebrate. Plus you need to get all, what's the word? Dolled up for Caven tonight," Haley smiles.

I moan.

"Whatever, I'm going to go talk to Kevin and then you can do my makeup," I get up from my bed and run downstairs.

Kevin setting up a food table.

"I can't believe we're doing this," I whine.

"Well believe it because I'm gonna get laid tonight," Kevin smirks.

"And you know this how?" I ask.

"I asked her, she said sure," he explains.

"Okay then, I just wanted to make sure someone was going to be the sober one or," I say.

"Well you know me, I'm not going to drink especially if I'm going to have sex with a girl I'm in love with. I also asked Elijah to not drink to help out, and then yeah," Kevin says.

"Okay, are you sure?" I ask.

"Absolutely! I'm tired of waiting to have fun, there's not that many people, it'll be fun. Averie don't think of it as one of my house parties where three hundred people come, it's like twelve people, it's not gonna kill us," he laughs.

"What am I supposed to do?" I ask.

"Hang out with a guy, maybe get laid, tell your darkest secrets," Kevin smiles.

I shove him.

"Asshole," I say.

"Love you too," he sticks out his tongue.


"You look great," Haley smiles.

I stand in front of the mirror.

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