Sun's Issues chapter 2: After The Trip

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This takes place 2 weeks after the last chapter. For context, Sun had two more major episodes, both landing him in P&S. The family didn't know about these, as he begged Solar not to tell anyone. He had small panic attacks and freak outs throughout the week. At one point, Bloodmoon appeared. The Old Moon appeared several times. Nobody is aware of the other hallucinations and the smaller panic attacks.

Warnings: Self-destruction behavior, OCD triggers, Severe panic attack, psychosis & hallucinations.


Sun wakes up from charging. 4am, like always. He gets out of the port and prepares for the day. He picks up any mess in their room and remakes Moon’s bed. He was coming home today, so he wanted it to be fairly clean once his brother arrived.

They only knew about that one episode. They don't know that Sun is missing 3 rags and his paint is chipped because P&S ran out of spare rays and they hadn't had time to repaint. Solar stuck a few pieces of shitty cardboard painted on there just until they could get replacements. Sun's clothes were still tattered and torn with bleach stains, rips, and even oil. They couldn't order his new clothes quite yet.

He wasn't fully charged, as he stayed up late cleaning again. He was at about half battery, but was in power saving mode. He'd be a bit slow and certain functions were unavailable,  but it would work.

Solar was in the main daycare, repairing those damned soda machines. He barely left the daycare ever since Sun's second episode, only leaving to check on Ruin and do small repairs. It was comforting for Sun, having someone there for him.

Sun exits the room and goes through the theater, greeting Ruin and entering the daycare. He begins cleaning up. Not much, but enough to fulfill the need to clean.

The two work together in silence, occasionally broken by some random comment or a funny joke.

Eventually, the two can hear Lunar excitedly talking about their trip in the distance. They were back finally.

Sun walks over to the entrance, ready to greet his family. Solar walks behind the security desk, doing some work there. He was never much for big greetings.

Lunar bursts through the doors, swinging them open and running inside, straight into Sun's arms. Sun laughs, stumbling backwards before hugging Lunar back. “Hey bud!”

“Someone missed their older brother, huh?” Moon says, following Lunar and giving Sun a side hug.  Sun noticed Earth isn't anywhere to be seen. “Where's Earth?”

“Oh, she went to see Monty.  We ran into them while walking back, so they decided to go to their house and chat about the trip for a bit.” Moon answers, backing away from Sun. Lunar also let go, but didn't back away far.

The three talk for a while about the trip, avoiding the elephant in the room: the evidently cardboard rays sticking crookedly out of his head.

Eventually Solar joins the conversation, seemingly understanding the tension and trying to get everyone's mind off it.

Eventually, Lunar got a call from Gemini asking to train and hang out, so he leaves. Moon locks eyes with Sun, gesturing to the room platform. He did that when he was upset or concerned, it meant that they had to talk.

Sun just nods, watching Moon walk away to the theater. Sun looks at Solar, that pit feeling in his stomach again.

Solar gives Sun a small side hug before walking away. He had been very “out of character” for himself, but he cared about Sun more than he could admit. He reminded the eclipse animatronic about his brother every day.

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