1. Pilot

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We begin with a 17 year old girl named Y/n Cartwig

Y/n was sitting on her bed cleaning a knife her father gave her before he was floated into space she look's up seeing Earth through her window she always wondered how fresh the air was and who green it was before it got poisoned but that was 97 ye...

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Y/n was sitting on her bed cleaning a knife her father gave her before he was floated into space she look's up seeing Earth through her window she always wondered how fresh the air was and who green it was before it got poisoned but that was 97 years ago and the now

A alarm goes off

Is a total bitch, Y/n quickly puts her knife away hiding it behind her belt

Guard 1: Prisoner 323, face the wall

Y/n: *sigh turns around* What did I do this time to earn this visit

Guard 1: Quiet hold out your right arm *Y/n glance over her shoulder seen a big box full of wristband's*

Y/n: What's this for-

Guard 2: Face the wall hold out your arm

Y/n: First tell me what's it for *frown her brows*

Guard 1: 323 hold-

Callie: Stop! *they all look at her* I got it from here gentleman head to the next cell

Guard 2: Yes ma'am *gives her a wristband helps Guard 1 take the box out of Y/n's cell*

Y/n: Mom?

Callie: Oh N/n *rush up to Y/n to hug her*

Y/n: What's going on

Callie: I don't have time to explain it all but you're being sent to the ground

Y/n: What ground?

Callie: Earth *Y/n eye's widen* honey your going to Earth *Y/n wanted to say something but nothing came out* I don't know what's waiting for you on the ground but here *gives Y/n 2 Glocks with 2 extra ammunition* to put my mind at ease knowing you have some protection and this

Callie: Earth *Y/n eye's widen* honey your going to Earth *Y/n wanted to say something but nothing came out* I don't know what's waiting for you on the ground but here *gives Y/n 2 Glocks with 2 extra ammunition* to put my mind at ease knowing you...

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Callie: *had put the locket around Y/n's neck* Is so whenever you miss me *Y/n opened the locket seeing 2 pictures of her with Callie and one of her father* you'll be able to look at the picture's

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