The restaurant

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As we walked I was thinking of what me and Ritz would do if we got a little well...tipsy.

R: "baby? You ok?"
Ritz tapped Veneers shoulder lightly, Veneer had snapped back to reality as he looked up at Ritz.
V: "oh who me? Oh I'm fine just uhm...thinking of what I'll order."
R: "oh okay well, I was hoping you'd be on the menu~"
Ritz chuckled as he said that, Veneer was blushing hard just by him saying that.
After a few minutes they reached the restaurant. They were seated in a nicely decorated and lit table, the waiter had gave them their menus and left them alone to think of what they wanted to get.

R: "so what are you gonna get mi amor?"
V: "hm, I think I'll get the Khao Soi." (Thai Coconut Curry Noodle Soup)
Ritz could tell Veneer was blushing due to the fact that he called him mi amor.
R: "that sounds very good mi Rey."
The waiter came back with their drinks and took their orders, after they ate and payed they went over to the bar it took just a bit for Veneer to tipsy, Ritz was also very drunk. They payed for their drinks and walked home.

(Authors note: I have a head cannon that if ritz and veneer were dating ritz would call veneer mi amor, mi rey, etc also I'm not rlly good with romance but I rlly hope this is good hope u like it also might have a little bit of smut at the end
Word count: 264)

RITZNEER! ( some smut ) Where stories live. Discover now