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"Madam..Madam.. Khushi Madam.."someone came inside the office of Mrs Khushi Singh Raizada,the renowned lawyer of New Delhi High Court and Supreme court..

"Kirti..She who is making so much noise here"said Khushi still reading her file. She had a case to deal with.

A famous politician had taken control over a small business of a lady. She had been turned down by everyone. Until they found Khushi..

"Hey..Rohit. What is the matter?"Kirti walked out and asked the security head.

Rohit looked at her shrugging his shoulder.

That man was in tears. Asking to see Khushi..

Khushi got up and walked down. The brown Italian leather shoes on her feet,the brown long trousers and light brown shirt,with her hair left open,gave her a regal feeling. She is the queen. She knows.

"What happened here?"she asked her voice as sweet as always .

"Madam. We would return the shop to the lady. We would even compensate her. Please stop him"the man,the big shot politician was standing infront of her.

She smiled..

"I donot understand what you are saying. But we are not withdrawing the case. You would just refund my client. But what about them,the other people whom you have looted over years?"she asked and turned back..

Towards her chamber..

She smiled as she recalled that man. Whom she had met at a party.

The loud music playing in the party hall,almost made him deaf as he sat,in a corner. Many times he had been invited to such events. But he never comes. He just did not have it in him to go to such parties. And he was extremely busy before. But somehow,something had pulled him to this place. He sat. Looking at the people,dressed in beautiful clothes move and sit. Enjoy. The dancers dancing,singing. The awards,rewards. He smiled.

The little petty tricks. He saw the sad faces of them who deserved winning and happy faces of them who did not. He saw the dancing clowns of money and powers.

He had sat in the very back. With a baseball cap and a simple tshirt and pants. It was not like anyone could ever recognise him, without his permission.

But there she was. Sitting few seats ahead. Chatting animatedly with her friends. She had come to the event to support some,it seemed. He had looked at her,wondering. Who was she.

After getting out of the hall,he was waiting for the cab. And there she was. Walking out,in her cute dress with her friends. He had looked at her again. He himself wondered. Was he not Asexual? Like a man without any desire? Was he feeling curious about her? But why was his eyes going to her lips as she talked?

Arnav Singh Raizada,the man whose hand controlled the economy of the nation or world. He never stopped for someone. From a very young age. Life had taught him. No one was his,until he had power and money in this world. And he did not want to have anyone as his anymore. After his family ended.

So he lived as simply as anyone else. Never caring about anything. Doing work and work. Workoholic.

But that night,he stood still. As she walked away. Towards the parking lot. He hailed a cab and left. But the eyes of the beauty,he could never forget. Her eyes haunted him.

Later he found out,she was a student. Doing law. He had followed her every step. But kept his distance. Then came to her school as teacher. Not her teacher of course. But as a teacher. To see her daily.

At times he wondered, what he was doing. He could have just come infront of her and take her away. But why was he hiding?

He had lied awake nights after nights to find a perfect way for them. To keep her safe. He was lonely. It was good. No one knew him. No one would survive messing with him.  But with her,he wanted a family. He wanted to live life with her. So. He choose the other way.

He knew. He had to come clean to her. But he had to win her trust. And see if it is worth it. Love. He was in love. But trust. How many could actually be trusted in human world. Every heart had some secrets. And he wanted to see. If it was worth it.

Would she choose him,as a simple man. He just wanted to see it.

In a year,he was friend with her. She showed him her life. He showed her his. Trust is gained. He understood. And he worked hard for it. And when both sides put effort to make a thing work. It is bound to work.

Flashback ends

"You again played"she asked as she called her man..

"Mmm.."he mumbled as he was eating.

Khushi grinned.

"But Arnav. Did he know it was you?"Khushi asked serious..

"Darling. To kill a mosquito. Do you think I would use nuclear bomb?"he asked as he leaned back..

She smiled.

Both chatted some more.

Of course she was going home soon. Still. Who stopped her from calling her husband. Right?

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