Ch. XII ✡Disgustingly Beautiful✡

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(WARNING: This chapter contains gruesome violence! horror! death! listen to the song while reading too!)

DRIP...DRIP...DRIP...THE SOUNDS OF leftover acid rain run down the gutters, falling onto the cracked pavement that makes the alleyway you walk through.

Darkness wraps around you like a cold blanket, the sounds of gunfire, screams, groans, fill your ears, and the distinct smells of smoke from cigarettes and booze pollute the air you breathe. Causing a gag to sometimes escape your lips.

The gloves you took from Carmilla remain on your hands still, and quite surprisingly, for being made of leather--and having angelic blades built inside of them--they manage to keep your hands a little warm, and they feel lightweight.

Such a good weapon for battle, but you do admit that there is one flaw to this.
You must be at close range to be able to kill with these gloves, whereas with a spear you're able to keep distance when attacking, and still manage to end a life.

And being at close range when it comes to something like an Exorcist, it's a little frightening and not entirely worth the risk.

Though if for some reason your spear breaks suddenly in the war that's coming, you'll have these gloves as a spare, and the boots as an extra added protection. Any kick from you will lead to stabs and cuts to the one you are attacking. It makes you feel a little excited, honestly.

You continue to listen to the dripping of acid fall from the walls on each side of you, while the eerie atmosphere and silence surrounds you.
The alleyway reeks of unmentionable smells, laced with inches of grime and filth that stains your shoes with each step you take.

In truth, for someone like you, walking alone in an alleyway much like this is dangerous, for any sinner male lingering nearby would instantly seize the chance of taking you and using you until they've had there fill, only then to either kill you, or toss you someplace locked tight until they come back for you.

But despite knowing those warnings--and your father's adamant demands that you never venture in the danger zones of Hell--you still chose to walk this alleyway as if you're simply walking through a safe place.

You're not afraid of those who try to approach you out of nowhere.

For all cases, it's those who approach you that end up afraid, upon discovering the twisted, nightmare, that lies underneath your pretty face and tempting bodice.

So, let those dare approach you, and they'll see what you truly are.

Almost as if you've manifested your thoughts to reality, the shadows of four large demons stand in your way ahead of you, blocking the exit of the alleyway entirely.

The embers of their cigars brighten as they inhale, lighting up their faces just enough for you to see that these demons are Shark Demons.

Shark Demons are known most for being one of the many Mafias in Hell. Though most mafia's hold goodies like supplies of drugs and guns, these demons only have their hands on money.

Loaners is what they are. And any demon foolish enough to actually borrow money from them and is unable to pay back when the time is up...well, it never ends pretty. Sharks like to rip with their teeth, after all. They leave behind bloody messes, a warning to most. 

Though unlucky for the sharks--and lucky for you--they aren't that smart, and only have their muscles and teeth to solve problems.
They have no wit, no brains.

And when it comes to fights, energy for strength wears out...whereas quick thinking and wit never does.

You stop walking, standing still, arms crossing in a bored manner, not feeling scared in the slightest, merely annoyed by their sudden appearance.

𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄 ★Alastor x fem! reader★🥀Where stories live. Discover now