11 ✨‼️(💙?)

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Y'all are in for a treat! This one's a long one too. Also as you saw in the title of the chapter there is a '‼️' which I explained as 'important/do not skip' in the introduction, I'll put the same '‼️' emoji in front of the scene that is highly recommend not to skip and at the end of the scene there will be the same emoji. Anyway enjoy!

Katsuki pov:
I felt myself start to shake which woke me up, the whole plane started to shake as an announcement came on saying that we were experiencing a little bit of turbulence. Somehow Deku did not wake from this so I just clung onto his arm until it was over.

We were 20 minutes from landing and yet again, another announcement came on and Deku ended waking up. Me and him continued to watch Finding Nemo as the plane began to go down and soon enough we were in the Bahamas! Getting all of our belongings and exiting the plane, we went to receive my parents bag from the bag collector a few minutes away.

No one pov:
The group found the car rental company and rented out the car they would be using for the week they would be staying there for, they ended up getting the same minivan that Masaru had back at home but in a red color instead of the dark grey one they owned.

"Katsuki, how in the world are you in sweatpants and a sweatshirt right now?! It's fucking hot as hell." Mitsuki looked behind her seat in the car at Katsuki who was watching something on his phone.

Her blond son shrugged in response, not taking his eyes off the screen in his hands as Izuku just looked out the window. Seeing all the palm trees and planes taking off as they left the airport.

"Well, here we are guys! Should we go to Target now to get the snacks and stuff or go to the resort first?" Masaru questioned, pulling off to the side of the road to put in the GPS to wherever they were going to go.

"Doesn't matter to me, though it might be a bit easier to go drop our stuff off at the hotel first so we won't have as much stuff to bring in at a time." Inko added, leaning over her seat looking at Masaru's phone.

"Good idea, off to the hotel we go then!" The brunette male exclaimed, typing in the address of the hotel.

The drive to the hotel wasn't very long which was good for the sake of the group. Once they arrived, wide eyes laid on the building by all people in the car.

"Here we are!" Mitsuki said, pointing at the huge resort.

"Holly shit this is fucking huge!" Katsuki said as he was token by a gaze as he tilted his head to see the ridiculously tall building.

This was both a surprise for Izuku and Katsuki because they hadn't seen the resort, all they knew was that they were going on vacation to the Bahamas, which they had forgotten about not too long ago. The hotel/resort they were staying at was called Atlantis and it was stunning.

They found a parking spot, getting the suitcase and luggage from out of the trunk, the group walked to the entrance and over to the check in. Mitsuki checked them in to the room they would be staying at for the next week, receiving a key card for every one in the party and heading over to the elevator.

The elevator was big and grand and with the click of a button, the elevator rose to the top floor where the suite was located. Looking at the number on the keycard and walking over to the door that had the same number on it, Inko scanned her card and with the 'click' of the lock, the door opened. Revealing a huge suite containing a kitchenette, two master bedrooms, a full bath, a normal bedroom, and a small living space.

"What th- how much was this?!" Izuku questioned as his dark emerald green eyes widened, scanning the tropical but modern themed room.

"Don't worry about it dear." Mitsuki chuckled, placing her stuff next to the couch.

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