Ch. 12-The Star's Gift

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A/n: Hey, everyone, just a quick check-in. How are you all feeling? There's a lot of upheaval coming, jsyk...Also I'm trying a new method to writing this chapter, so lmk what you think. Also I've decided I'm gonna write a bunch of chapters all at once and aim for a Saturday release date.





*Out of nowhere, my head shot up off my pillow, the first rays of sun piercing my eyes. It took several long minutes before my mind adjusted, and once it did, I felt around the bed for the woman I spent the night with only to find it empty. Even more confused than before, my head moved to the door, finding it still locked and undisturbed.

”Was that a dream? What the fuck was that?...that was...gods. I sincerely hope that that doesn't happen again. Why would I even be dreaming about something like that?..."




A knock sounded at Y/n’ door, drawing her attention away from the odd dream she had just had. With a groan, she sat up, glancing over at the door, almost as if she could see the source of the intrusive and offensive sound. The sound came again, more insistent this time around.

Sighing heavily, she pushed off the bed, shoving the dreams from the night before out of her mind. She quickly ran a hand through her tangled hair, trying to tame as much of her bedhead as she could before she pulled the door open. Quickly taking in the figure before her, she schooled her face into a stoic mask. The auburn haired man stood a foot taller than her and the timid expression he wore felt forced. Overall something about him just felt off to Y/n immediately setting her nerves on edge.

"You're Y/n right? Wanda is looking for you..." the man looked down at his hands before he continued, "I can uh...take you to her...if you want."

Y/n was looking him over quietly sizing the man up before she bit out a bit of a snarky response, "Uh-huh right, and you are....?" moving her hands in a get-to-the-point sort of way.

"O-Oh right...uh...sorry I guess I'm just used to people already knowing me. My name is Bruce....or Hulk is the other" He stammered out while playing with his hands and softly chuckling.

After carefully looking the man up and down again she finally replied, "Fine. Lead me to Wanda."

Bruce seemed to perk up at that and began to walk the direction Y/n assumed Wanda was waiting, but not before she had caught him scanning her body. His eyes lingered a bit longer than she'd liked on her chest. If it had been another circumstance or another place, Y/n may have punched him out for that alone, but she was at least trying to be a better person. It took real concerted effort to just let it go and follow the scrawny man without retaliating or making a snarky comment.

Ok I can't deck the guy but I definitely hated that. That better have been bitch-boy looking me over to assess if I was a threat, not him actually checking me out like it looked like....focus Y/n, you have other concerns. Wanda is waiting...Wanda...okay again brain, what was with that dream? I'm not I? I mean she IS pretty....No-NOPE-stop that RIGHT now Y/n. No.

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