Part one: Two skyscrapers

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Fear of heights (also known as Acrophobia) is an extreme or irrational phobia or fear of height places or standing on a high place.

Do you have fear of heights? I can only guess that you have one. But if you have a fear of heights, then what would happen if you suddenly got yourself on a high place where there is little to no space to stand on while constantly having to look down to balance yourself, which makes the paranoia and anxiety worse, and just that makes you lose your balance and fall to the ground.

This experience would be a nightmare for someone with fear of heights. Even though the chance of something like this happening are extremely low, then what if that happened?

In this story, lets focus on Natasha who just so happens to be that "lucky" person.

At first Natasha is seemingly laying on a concrete floor of some kind of place. She is dressed in a black suit, and next to her there is a black briefcase laying on the floor. Her blonde hair lay on the floor flat as she seemingly sleeps.

Then suddenly, she begins to slowly wake up. Her eyes open slowly while she feels the wind going through her body.

The first thing she sees is a top of a skyscraper further away. Then, she lifts her body up and looks to her left and right.

- Wha-what? - said Natasha, confused by where she is.

And then she makes a horrifying discovery. She is at a top of a skyscraper! Doesn't sound like a horrifying discovery? Well, wait until you hear her scream!

Natasha gets her mind flooded with anxiety and paranoia as she screams at the top of her lungs to such a point where she makes the crows at the top of the other skyscraper fly away.

Her hands and feet begin to sweat intensely while she gets as far from the edge of the building of as possible. Her back suddenly hits something. Natasha turns around and she sees an exit door.

- Oh my god! - says Natasha in a massive relief while not even thinking about how she got on the skyscraper in a first place.

Then she tries to open the exit door but it won't open.

- No, no! Please open! - said Natasha in a worried voice as her paranoia and anxiety comes back.

Natasha starts banging on the door while saying "Help! Please! Is someone there?".

- Hello? - said loudly Natasha as she hyperventilates.

She turns back to the edge of the skyscraper, keeps her body against the door and takes a deep breath to calm herself down.

So, she finally questions how she got here in a first place. But all she remembers is riding an elevator before she suddenly woke up here.

At the same time, Natasha's thinking is constantly disrupted by fear of heights. She can't look at the edge of the skyscraper without extreme anxiety and paranoia coming into her mind.

She closes her eyes and tries to not think much about her current situation. With her eyes closed, she wonders how come a situation like this is possible. Well, the chances were low but never zero.

Natasha also starts thinking about how she got here again but nothing new comes into her mind.

A while passes and Natasha still can't believe that she is on top of a skyscraper. She decides to open her eyes and look around for a bit but fear keeps making her eyes close again.

At some point she notices that there is a steel wire going from the left corner of the skyscraper she is on, to the other corner of the skyscraper further away. The skyscrapers are somewhat close together and exactly the same height. Kind of like New Jork's former World Trade Center towers.

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