Part three: Exploring Acrophobia

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Natasha doesn't know what happened. Something unfortunate happened to her and now she is asleep again, just like in the beginning of the previous part.

Her scream surely made everyone in the base awake. 

As she slowly begins to wake up, she sees a Sunny, Anastasia and some kind of a robot guy standing over her, with the robot guy begin closer to her than Sunny and Anastasia.

- Look! She responds - said the robot.

- Uhhh... what happened? - asked Natasha in an exhausted voice.

- We came here as soon as we heard the scream. Are you fine? - said Anastasia.

Natasha thinks about it for a moment.

- Yeah, im fine, or i think so. I had a horrible, painful vision - says Natasha.

- What was it? - asked Sunny.

- Uhh... i don't clearly remember. It was Megan talking about me begin in trouble or something like that - replied Natasha.

- Also, who are you? - asked Natasha to the robot.

- Oh yeah, im Marcus. Happy to meet you! - replied Marcus as he gets a little away from Natasha.

Natasha takes a closer look at how Marcus looks like. He looks like a normal guy except everything, his skin, face, eyes and hair are metal. His hair is copper while his skin is silver, giving it a shiny appearance. 

His hair also seems to be frozen in the same position. It doesn't move at all. Though, not all what Marcus wears is metal as he wears normal clothes, pants and shoes.

Natasha tries standing up, but while doing it, she almost loses balance.

Thankfully, Marcus gives her a hand and helps her keep her balance. Marcus is a really beautiful guy for a robot.

- Thanks - said Natasha to Marcus.

- No problem - replies Marcus.

- Where is the other one? - asked Natasha.

Anastasia asks who.

- You know, Anthony or what his name? - said Natasha.

- Oh... he is still sleeping. He got quite mad because of your scream - says Anastasia.

- Aha? And he didn't even check up on me? - asked Natasha.

- Well, he is a very sleepy type of person. He always likes to sleep - replied Anastasia.

Natasha noticed that it's still a night as she yawns.

- Are you tired? You might as well go to sleep if you want - said Anastasia.

- By the way, if anything happens, just call us out - says Sunny.

Natasha agrees and lays back on the bed while Sunny, Anastasia and Marcus go to a direction, not of the recreational part of the base, but, from where Natasha is, to the direction to the far right. 

Natasha assumes that they are going to the camp site since there is likely a plank between the skyscrapers that connects them.

So, Natasha goes asleep again. This time, the story wont suddenly end here.

Next day, Natasha wakes up to see a sun on the sky. This means that unlike in the part where she had to cross the wire to get to the other skyscraper, here there is a day-night cycle.

Natasha stands up from the bed and thinks about what to do. 

There is not much she can do or think of. Apart from maybe exploring the base a little bit.

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