chapter 29

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Shubman was in london studying business. He has a friend group of four shubman, Ben, mark, David. They were all good friends. Shubman used to have a lot of admirers for his handsomeness as well as his good grades in the subject.

One day they were in a cafe spending time mark along with a beautiful girl who came there.

Guys this is hazel my girlfriend mark said introducing her to the others. Everyone welcomed her warmly. Time went by and Hazel grew closer to shubman. Shubman of course treated her like his own friend. Hazel used to find herself gazing at shubman for unhealthy times. She was confused at first why she is doing like that. But as days are going she started liking shubman.

Unknown to hazel mark noticed the change in her but he didn't say anything. She used to be good with him so he didn't pay attention to any of his thoughts. Until one fine day

They were at a restaurant. Having lunch shubman excused himself hazel saw that this was the perfect time to confess him. Yes confess she is loving shubman. She excused herself too. He  went to the restroom. He finished and came out to see hazel standing there.

Hey Hazel what are you doing here ? Shubman asked her. She came close to him which made him uncomfortable. But she went closer to him and he was trapped between the wall and her.

Hazel what are you doing ? If anyone sees us like this they will think in a wrong way he said maintaining a distance. But she didn't Bulge.

Shubman.. listen I've wanted to say this for a long time now I love you shubman i really love you a lot please accept me shubman hazel confessed which made him freeze in his place. What??

Do you even know what you are talking about hazel ? Love? Me? You love mark hazel not me shubman said in a disbelief tone. She groaned

No shubman i don't like mark anymore it's you who I love now. She said again. Which made shubman angry how could she? How could she do this to mark?

No I don't love you hazel and I can't betray mark please stop this and forget this ever happened between us. He said in a monotone, he pushed her away and went to the table.

Hazel stood there crying at the rejection. She wanted shubman so bad now he rejected her. She cried for some time and washed her face and went back. Shubman saw her but looked away. Mark saw her face and asked if everything was alright she said yes. He shrugged off.

As time gone. Shubman grew distant to her. he talked to her less sometimes and didn't even reply to her. She was depressed. She looked sad all the time which made mark worry. It's already the end of their education shubman announced his departure to India. Hazel was more depressed and she was hurt she couldn't take the news. She couldn't live with the fact where shubman is not hers. She chose to take her life.

She wrote a letter to mark and she committed suicide. Mark came back from the hangout and went inside to see a sight which made his blood run cold.

Hazel .. hazel baby please wake up. He shook  her body but hazel was already gone. He found a letter there. He started reading that

To mark,

           I don't know how to say this but mark I'm really sorry I couldn't be the perfect girlfriend like you wanted. I'm really bad because I fell in love with your best friend.

         I love shubman a lot. I know this will hurt you but I can't live without shubman, mark. I wanted him but i can't have him. That's why I'm taking my life.

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