A Rather Curious Case

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Laura Varney. The vice-president of Ostia. A well-mannered lady, in her late 40's, now a widow. If I recall right, she is of Cuban heritage, an ancient country long gone now. She has long, wavy brown hair, and olive skin. She also has chocolate rich eyes, which are red from crying, and is dressed in all black, considering she just got back from a funeral.

I nearly choke on my donut. Glancing up at the very colorful wall clock that Sophia found at a antique shop, she's a half hour early.

"Hello Mrs. Varney. How may I help you?" I manage to spit out, despite my close call with death. 

She sniffles. "Oh you know, trying to find out who killed my husband and things..." She sniffles again.

"Yes. Why don't you take a seat? You must be exhausted." Tyler says, pulling one of the chairs out in front of her desk, being SUCH a gentleman. 

Mrs. Varney sniffles again, blowing her nose with a lace handkerchief before sitting down. "So, Mrs. Varney, I know this is hard, but can you tell us where you where at the time of death?" Tyler asks. He's the most sympathetic one out of all of us, as he lost his parents when he was young. Sophia doesn't speak to hers anymore, and mine live just an hour away, and I am on good terms with them. No tragic backstory for me!

"Okay," she replies. "I was in the living room, touching up before the president arrived to discuss how to deal with that new nation, when I heard a thud. I thought nothing of it, and continued my work. Shortly after the president arrived, and I went to open the door. The president and I talked for a moment or two, before I went upstairs to grab some papers from my office. Then I heard it; a scram coming from Johns office. I rush up there only to see him on the ground, motionless, his office array, and the window open. It was breezy, and the curtains were flowing in the wind. And no one believes me, but I swear I saw a figure in all black jump out."

My eyes widen. A suspect, and we're not even five minutes into the investigation! A pull out a notebook from the front pouch on my jumper. "Can you describe the suspect?" I ask, clicking my pen. 

She shakes her head. "No. All I saw were their eyes, before they jumped away."

"That's great. Do you know what color their eyes were?" Tyler asks, nodding to Sophia, who walks over to the table and grabs her sketchbook. 

"Yes. They were brown, like dirt. Their face was also masculine, with a strong body. Probably wasn't hard to bash my poor husbands head in!" She says, bursting into tears. As Tyler comforts her, me and Sophia discuss the description Mrs. Varney just gave. 

"So, what do you think?" She asks me, sowing me a rough sketch of a face.

"Too generic, and no noticeable features. Whoever did this is good. Still, we should be able too find at least something at the crime scene." I answer. 

"Lets hope. Our funds our running low." 

"Yes, I wonder why." I mumble with sarcasm, just loud enough for her to hear.

"Heyyy! I'm not the one always buying unnecessary snacks from the convince store!" She says, giving me a look.

"They aren't unnecessary, they are a essential to this business!" I spout back, copying the look she's giving me.

"Girls. If you want to bicker, do it some other time. Right now, we need to get moving. We have a crime scene to investigate." Tyler says, standing up to escort Mrs. Varney out. Me and Sophia stick our tongues out to each other before grabbing our bags. Once Mrs. Varney leaves, we leave, taking a detour to a nearby antique shop to pick up a statue I ordered. 

We arrive and the owner is clipping the bushes out front, being the plant lover he is. "Hello my lizard. How are you? The statue is inside, in the pink box on the counter." He says, waving his clippers in the direction of the door.

"Thanks Jim." I shout, opening the door, which makes a ringing sound as I enter. Sophia follows me, and Tyler waits in the car. We decided to take the air traffic, which is faster today, so of course we took the hover car, which can't be turned off in the air. Duh.

There. My target. The shop is colorful, full of plants and shelfs brimming with weird objects. Sophia walks behind the counter, and grabs a chocolate  bar from a drawer. Why can she do this? Part of it is because she is too confident for her own good, and part of it is because Sophia's grandparents own the shop. Never said she didn't talk to her grandparents, now did I? 

Grabbing the box, I make a hasty escape, with Sophia walking lazily behind me. Waving goodbye to Jim, Sophia's grandpa, I jump into the backseat, with Sophia shouting "Bye, Papa!" and climbing into the passengers seat.

Once in I unbox my little statue. It's old, roughly 200 years or so, but it's common so it's not in a museum or anything. As I pull it out, my fingers slip and I drop it, but seemingly nothing grabs it. 

"You really should be paying more attention, lizard." Tyler says, levitating the statue back into my hands. Yes, that was his ability. I know, a lame way to use it, but not to me!

"Thanks Tyler." I  mumble, feeling pretty embarrassed to have dropped something so cool. The statue is one of a wolf, adorned with little rhinestones, and a pretty shade of blue, like the sky was washed out. I got it to put on my desk at work, because according to Sophia, "It is much too boring, with only pencils and Nanotabs." Not my fault.

Today traffic is slow, but eventually we arrive to a floating island, not too uncommon with todays technology, but only big enough for a mansion of some sort. It's pretty crowded with trees, making finding the driveway difficult. Just kidding. The police cars swarming the place made it obvious. 

Pulling in, I see it. A giant mansion, white in color, and pretty old fashioned. As we park, Tyler announces, "We're here!" And we all climb out and walk up the steps to go look at a dead man.

That's it! Out at 1072 words! Tschüss!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2024 ⏰

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