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The call came around 8:15 in the morning. The feeling of the square object in Rory's hand felt foreign as she hasn't touched it in days. Despite the missed calls from her friends, old and new, the calls from her aunt, she has felt no desire to touch the phone. 

But this time something told her to answer it. And as she now looks at the phone debating to answer she sees the bright white letters across the screen that read, "Jason Dilaurentis". 

Her finger hovers over the answer button mentally debating. She hasn't talked to the boy in a year. He left shortly after Ali's disappearance and they lost contact. Now Ali's dead, and she has no idea what he is going to say if she answers. Maybe he just needs someone to talk too, and in truth, so does she. She presses the button and holds the phone to her ear.

"Hello?"  Her voice comes out raspy, likely from the lack of talking. 

"Hey, Ry."  His voice is quiet. The two words are filled with so much sadness despite how short they are. 

"I'm so sorry. About Ali. I meant to call."  Rory says, her voice cracking throughout the sentences.

"No. I should've called too. Sooner, I mean." Jason responds. "Actually, I was calling because," He hesitates to say the last part of the sentence. "her funeral is today. At 2. If you wanna come." 

The sadness in his voice tells Rory that he is sober. He wasn't when they knew each other. Her aunt Lucy mentioned that Mr. and Mrs. Dilaurentis sent him to a rehab facility. She wasn't sure he would stick with it. 

"I'll be there." Rory responds.

                                                                    ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

The task of getting out of bed seems impossible to Rory. In all honesty, she doesn't want to go. The funeral doesn't feel like closure. It feels like the end of everything. Alison won't be at her wedding. Alison won't be there for the birth of her kids. She won't be there for graduation. She is gone. That isn't closure to Rory, it is a cruel form of punishment.

She feels as her feet connect with the cold hardwood floor. She slowly makes her way to the bathroom that is connected to her room. She opens the bathroom door and looks at her reflection in the mirror. 

Her eyes are red and puffy due to crying. There is mascara stains on her cheeks and her hair is so tangled she cant even run her fingers through it. The clothes she is wearing feels melded to her skin as she hasn't taken them off in 2 days. 

She peels the clothes of her body and gets into the shower allowing the cold water hit her skin. She doesn't want to go to the funeral. Maybe she is doing it for Jason, or Mr. and Mrs. D. But in truth she knows its for Alison, and a promise she made her 1 and half years ago.

"If I died would you go to my funeral?" Alison asks as she applies pink glittery lip gloss to her lips. 

"Way to darken the mood." Rory responds as she pulls out a shirt of Ali's that she intends to wear. 

"Im serious." Alison turns to look at the brunette. Her favorite thing to do is always to ask 'If' questions. Which of course Rory indulges in.

"Probably not." Ali's face immediately drops as if Rory just threatened to destroy her favorite Valentino bag.


"I would probably be to upset." Rory responds acting like it is obvious. 

"I would want you there." Alison whines. "Promise you will go to my funeral." She holds out her pinky for Rory to interlock hers with.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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