01 - fever 💗

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ship: katsuki bakugo + eijiro kirishima.

"Mina...please, I don't want to go. You just go and enjoy the dinner party, it's for you! I'll be fine." The red head said to his friend whilst he groaned in pain. "Only if you're sure Kiri." She replied back holding out her pinkie "Promise?"

He held his pinkie to meet hers halfway, "I promise."

She threw her bag over her shoulder and exclaimed "FINE! but I'm going to call someone to come and look after you okay? you shouldn't be alone and no arguments."

Mina walked out and left the red head all alone with his thoughts. //Why does she need to call someone to care of me? I'm not a child.// Kirishima was thinking as his brain replayed her demand.

**15 minutes later**

Kirishima was laying down in his comfy bed cuddling a pillow up to his face, he had gotten sick yesterday after a terrible rainstorm occurred and he didn't have his umbrella, so he took a chance and ran to his dorm as fast as he possibly could. 

After doing nothing in his dorm yesterday because he was wallowing in his illness, he's just been laying like a slug.

  ─── ・🤍🤍。゚☆: *.☽ .* :🤍🤍. ───

Kirishima heard a knock, knowing exactly who it was just from the rhythm. He voice managed to croak out, "Come in." 

Bakugo came into the room, and Kirishima jolted up as if to show him that he wasn't ill. Even though he clearly was.

"Afternoon to you too shitty hair." Bakugo then walked closer to the red head and sat down next his sluggish body on his bed.

"Sorry dude...hey bakubro. how was training this morning?" he said as he lifted his body from the bedsheets and faced the blonde himself.

"Hm. It was entertaining but far too easy." Bakugo smirked as if he remembered something and blurted out "I had to pair up with stupid Deku because you weren't there. It's alright anyways, I had fun beating him up." He then snickered to himself and looked at Kirishima.

Kirishima was smiling brightly at him even though he was feeling bad and so Bakugo softened his gaze toward him.

"Tsk." Bakugo groaned loudly and reached his hand out to Kirishima's forehead to try and check his temperature. "Your head is fucking boiling hot, I'm gonna go get some cold towels alright?"

Kirishima nodded nervously, trying not to make it awkward as he wiggled around on his bed.

Before Bakugo walked out, he turned around and said "Stay put shitty hair."

The blonde then walked out the dorm room, meanwhile Kirishima plopped himself back down onto his bed and cuddled back into his pillows, making himself comfy again.

  ─── ・🤍🤍。゚☆: *.☽ .* :🤍🤍. ───

Kirishima awoke as he heard the door opening with a creak. It was Bakugo with the towels. He set them down on Kirishima's desk and said "Here. I got the towels for you shitty hair. Take them if you want, I'm gonna leave you alone now. Raccoon eyes will be here soon."

Kirishima sat up like the flash and quietly begged Bakugo to stay until Mina got there. Bakugo walked closer to Kirishima and crouched down in front of him. Kirishima started to ask him a question "Hey man-" but Bakugo just shushed him and wasn't even listening to him.

Kirishima thought Bakugo was checking him out. He was just shamelessly doing it and didn't even care until Kirishima clapped in his face and their eyes met.

They looked at each other for what felt like a long time, but Bakugo stood up and Kirishima looked up at him confused until he realised he was moving to sit next to him on the bed.

The blonde placed his hand on top of Kirishima's and looked at him with love and sincerity through his eyes.

Kirishima was in a state of shock, he didn't know what to do. He couldn't even tell if this was real or a dream, all he knew was that Bakugo has never really acted like this with him before so why now?

They both get lost in each other's eyes and slightly move closer toward one another, wanting to kiss.

As they were about to kiss, Mina came into the room shouting "Kiri, I'm back!! I have some drama." before replacing it with an "Oh." noticing the situation and leaving to go 'spill the tea' to somebody else.

Kirishima smiled nervously at Bakugo, feeling embarrassed and putting his head in the crook of Bakugo's neck. 

Bakugo chuckles which sends a shiver down the red head's back feeling the vibrations from his body. He kisses Kirishima on the side of his head and pulls his head up out of his neck with his hand, "You being ill has paid off, no?"

Kirishima nodded in agreeance and giggled as Bakugo started to kiss his neck which had tickled him.

Well, lets say they had a sweet day 😉

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