Seeing Travvy

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December 3, 2023

Back story: Taylor fell pregnant June 4, 2021 with her daughter but did not find out until mid July. She ended up going 5 days past her due date and gave birth to her daughter Delaney Marjorie Swift-Alwyn on February 13, 2022 at 4:13am. Joe was very involved in the pregnancy and was generally good at catering to her needs. However, a little over a month after Delaney was born he went back to England to film for a movie. Taylor stayed in New York as it was closer to her family and her friends. But while Joe was in England filming he realized he no longer wanted to be in Delaney's life and called Taylor telling her that later signed all his rights away. Making Delaney 100% Taylor's daughter forever. Taylor was devastated as she had a full time career while being a single mom but they kept the breakup a secret until 2023...hence what Midnights was about and most recently The Tortured Poets Department. Taylor ended up changing Delaney's last name removing Joe's last name as he wanted no part in her life. (This is in no way meant to shame Joe this was just an idea for a story I came up with. So please don't take what I put seriously or seen as hate towards him).

Present day: Taylor's POV
Travis left yesterday for Green Bay which meant it was me, Delaney, Rambo, and Chauncey. It's around 4pm I just fed the dogs and let them out and now I'm about to go wake up Delaney from her nap. Traveling to the Chiefs game is always fun but it's much harder with a toddler (Delaney is 1 ½). I walk into mine and Travis's room and go over to the bed.

"Hey baby, how was your nap" I said while brushing her messy blonde hair out of her face. She just mumbled and reached her arms up for me to pick her up so I did. She immediately tucked her head into my chest and started playing with my hair.

2 hours later
We are about to arrive in Green Bay Wisconsin and it's 30° outside which meant I had to convince my stubborn daughter to put on her coat. I take my phone from her and sit her on my lap. She currently watching the Lorax which is adorable cause she asks me to "play the movie where mommy saves the trees"

"Laney baby you need to put on your jacket" she immediately looks up at me and says "no mommy I hot"

"Yes baby I know you're hot now but outside it's super cold and you need a jacket or you will get sick" she started crying and saying no as she didn't wanna hide her cheifs dress. "Baby listen I don't have time to do this or we will be late to Travis's game. But you can either put on your coat right now and we can get a treat at the game. Or you can not put on your coat later and not get anything. What do you wanna do?"

"Otay mommy but you carry me" she said in between sobs

"Yes baby but we don't need to cry" I said, kissing her forehead and putting her jacket on then setting her on my hip.

"You're a great mom" Brittnay said to me as we were about to leave the plane as she and I flew to this game together.

"Thank you for saying that, I try my best" I replied

"No pictures mommy" I hear Delaney say. "Look baby they may take pictures but just keep your head down and mommy will keep you safe"

"Otay" she said snuggling into me and I put my hand over her face covering her from any cameras that would be waiting outside the jet or car.

A/N sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to get something out tonight. Also please let me know which of these ideas you would want me to write first :)
1. Taylor announces her pregnancy with Travis's at the final show date of the Eras Tour in December
2.Travis and Taylor are going to their daughter kindergarten Christmas concert
3. Taylor is very pregnant at superbowl 2022 (I know Chiefs didn't make it to Super Bowl in the 2022 season but for this they did)
4. Taylor and Travis have a 2 1/2 year old daughter and Taylor is going to support Travis at his game but their daughter gets hurt. However, Taylor has trouble helping her bc she is 3 days away from her due date.

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