First Time Meeting

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Tessa Swift Lautner - born September 12, 2010
Backstory: Although Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner didn't date for too long Taylor did fall pregnant with his child. They have been able to keep a healthy friendship not only for their daughter but also for themselves. Tessa was not fond of Joe but had to be civil due to her mother being in a relationship with him for 6.5 years. He was a part of her life since she was 6 until her mom and Joe broke up in 2023 when she was 12. Taylor however now has a new boyfriend none other than Travis Kelce, the tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs. She has heard her mother talk a lot about him. She has gone on several dates with him leaving her at home (obviously with company or at Taylor's) and attended some of his games. But today was especially important because she was gonna meet Travis for the first time today!

October 12, 2023:
Tessa POV:
So today is a super important day. I'm meeting my mom's boyfriend for the first time and to say I'm kinda annoyed and nervous is an understatement. If I'm being real I don't really remember any of her other boyfriend other than Joe because I met Joe when I was 6 and my memory before then wasn't to good. So I'm pretty nervous and especially worried about how he's gonna treat my mom. My mom also said I'm meeting someone else there but I have no idea who else I could be meeting because last time I looked Travis didn't have any kids. Also, I'm worried that he's not gonna like me and think that I'm an annoyance like Joe thought I was to my mom and their relationship. (I know Joe is being portrayed badly in this but do not take anything I say about him to heart as obviously I have never met him. And the only one who should be able to have feelings about him is Taylor herself)

I walked down the stairs and see my mom making breakfast
"Good morning Tess! How did you sleep? my mom says as I walk to the kitchen island.
"Fine" I say trying to avoid contact but she's my best friend and she knows when I'm lying.
"Tessa I know your lying to me. What's wrong? She says
"You're gonna be mad!" I say still not looking at her. She stops what she's doing and comes to sit next to me.
"Baby look at me I could never be mad at you. Tell me what is it? She says holding my hands in hers.
"Pinky promise" I ask?
"Yes, pinky promise" my mom says pinky promising me.
"Okay... I don't wanna meet Travis" I say hesitantly and I immediately see her face turn into a frown.
"Why baby?" She asks
"Because I'm worried he's gonna be like Joe." I state

Taylor POV:
As soon as I heard Tessa say she didn't wanna meet Travis I instant felt guilty because I know I'm the reason she is worried because of Joe my ex. She was never fond of Joe especially as she got older and I had a feeling this might be an issue in the future. I look her in the eyes and say...
"Tessa I know you're scared but I promise you Travis is super sweet and is very excited to meet you!" I say
"Okay I guess." Tessa says still not convinced. She just turned 13 so she's in her teen years and starting to get sassier.
"Would mom ever do something that she didn't think was right for you" I say looking at her sternly
"No" she says sighing starting at me. She immediately goes in for a hug and I can feel a tear escape her eye.
"Oh baby what's wrong? I'm so sorry I didn't think today would cause this much stress for you." I say hugging her tightly.
"I just don't want to get used to Travis if he really is this nice and good for you and then he leaves like Joe." She says still lightly crying.
"Tessa look at me" I say pulling her away from my chest and wiping her tears as I lift her chin to look at me.
"I know that things with Joe didn't work out how I would have hoped but I promise you this time it's different. Can you trust mommy on this?" I say.
"Yes I'm sorry I love you" She says instantly hugging me again
"Baby you have no need to be sorry, I'm glad you told me how you feel. I don't know how I got so lucky to have a daughter like you!" I say seeing her instantly smile and laugh.
"Me too! Now can we have breakfast please?" She asks.
"Yes of course baby. Go watch something and I'll bring you breakfast. Can you feed the kittens though first please?" I say
"Yah of course mom" she says skipping off to feed the cats. Ever since she was around 3 Tessa has always loved feeding that cats because she thinks it makes them like her more. I'm not sure if it's true because they definitely love her already but I'm not gonna discourage her from taking one item off my plate"

I've been having trouble writing lately but this came to my mind so hope you enjoy I will def be getting back to writing more. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think :)

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