the taco truck

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*ahem* before you start reading, please make sure your life insurance is payed as we don't want any sudden heart attacks while reading ☺

Sgt Suzie: I choose... You!

Everyone looks around to see who she is pointing at. They see a sleepy Tamara wake up on a desk that she hadn't been on a second ago

Tamara: how did... Huh? What am I doing here?
Lucy: omg Tamara! You went to the party last night?!
Tamara: maybe... But it seemed boring when I got here. The only action I could see was people getting fingered, fucked and sucked. So I left
Lucy: girly what
Tamara: I have preferences okay???
Lucy: alright Mhm sure...
Sgt Suzie: are you coming Tammy tam
Tamara: wtf is that nickname... Ew fuck no you look like your in your 70s
Sgt Suzie: aww ty babes everyone always says I look younger than I am
Tamara: Lucy, if you don't use that tazer I will
Lucy: Tamara! You can't do that! She's the boss of all bosses!
Sgt Suzie: Lucy wucy is right tammy. Unless someone wants to volunteer?
Mystery: I do!
Sgt Suzie: huh? Who said that!
Sgt Suzie crazy ex husband Mr sir dylanton: I did! Come here bbg and bend over!
Sgt Suzie crazy ex husband Mr sir dylanton: aww ty babes everyone always says I look younger than I am
Sgt Suzie: fuck sake is this what I get for being a weirdo

They start fucking each other while doing a routine on the pole. Things get so heated that they disintegrate right in front of everyone. Everyone starts clapping(normal clapping, well get the other kind later 😉) , then realising roll call techniquly finished, start on their morning shifts.

Nolan: well that was a weird start to the day
Nyla: speak for yourself
Nolan: it can't get any weirder than that
Nyla: (looks at Celina and aaron) ofc it can
Celina: what?!? It's not our faults that you found us
Nyla: I can't do this rn. Not on an empty stomach. I am starving after how much exercise I did last night. Let's go get something to eat from one of the near by food trucks. Who's coming?

They all agree to come (Celina, Aaron, John, Angela, Lucy, tamara and Tim)

Nyla: who's feeling for some pizza
John: too early for cheese. I'll blow up the toilet
Nyla: ew. How about a burger
John: to heavy to eat before patrol
Nyla: is there any fucking thing else that you don't want to eat
John: hmm... Yeah (lists off every single food truck in the vicinity)
Nyla: what the freak
Angela: we've been deciding for ages! Let's just get some tacos from that very un shady van
John: ah yes i can eat tacos
Nyla: thank fuck. I would've shoved it down your throat even if you said no
John: shoved what down my throat?
Nyla: a dildo. What the fuck else would I mean! (Sarcasm)
John: I've been waiting for those words for so long (as they reach the taco truck, John pushes nyla against it and they start making out)
Nyla: Mhm I never knew how much I needed this
John: same here

Angela: let's join them (her and Tamara start finger fucking on the van hood)
Tamara: carful angela I'm on my period
Angela: okay boo I'll make sure to be careful

Celina: babe let's join them
Aaron: okay

Celina goes over to Angela a d Tamara and starts thrusting against Angela leg

Aaron goes to nyla and John and starts tenderly kissing them in turns

Tim: Lucy I never thought I'd say this but wanna skip the taco?
Lucy: nah, I'm hungry (lil smirk) and besides, your going to need the fuel for later
Tim: (pushes Lucy against the can door) I'm super hard rn
Lucy: good
Tim: you made me hard? You have to releive me
Lucy: if you insist
Tim: (moans loudly)
Lucy: (sucks on his dick harder, making sure that he can see the dripping residue she is leaving on his dick

Lucy gets both her hands and massages the dick in opposite directions, making Tim Climax and cum all over Lucy's face.

Lucy: my turn
Tim: okay, but my queen needs to be comfortable

He breaks the taco van lock and sets Lucy to sit down on the countertop. He takes her trousers down  to reveal a soppy dripping wet mess

Lucy: baby I'm so soaked
Tim: I know but it's time I sorted you out once and for all

Moans come out of the van and it rocks back and forth. The others stop for a second because of how hard it was rocking but after that they continued sucking each other off.

A passerby couldn't believe it. He was witnessing the whole thing happen. Cops break into a van. Cops publicly fucking. They were breaking so many rules at that moment. Now he had the police wrapped around his finger.

But who is this mystery man??

Stick around to find out 😉

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