02 - problems. 🥂

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ship: denki kaminari + hitoshi shinso.


This is all Kaminari has ever known. From his friend group, the way he talks with his classmates, the clothes he wears and even his home life are all full of MAYHEM and nothing but that.

For a child who was born with bright yellow hair and an unnatural black lightning bolt strike perfectly placed into its strands, he thought he was doing okay. Or good enough, at least. Surprisingly he thought, his parents never got "rid" of him even though he would always manage to put them in danger with his electricity and the appliances in his house. His school and teachers had never expelled him despite how low his grades were and his lack of simple common sense. His personality was loud and vivid, and always had a clear presence is any room he stepped in and still does. Unfortunately, not everybody was totally accepting of it.

Kaminari never really had a coping strategy until recently. Normally, if his anxiety was rising and becoming worse, he would just bottle it all up until it overflowed and he short circuited. This usually ended with himself or somebody else being sent to Recovery Girl for treatment. This happened a lot more than he would like to admit.

However, thank god Present Mic was able to sit down with him and talk about another way to cope instead of bottling it all up alone. Apparently the school had a music department so that quirks which involved sound waves or other types of noise related quirks could practice in rooms with sound proof walls and nobody with them to become distracted or hurt. Present Mic had thought it would be a good idea for Kaminari to go in there and let out all his feelings by using his quirk, screaming, crying and letting off some steam. Shockingly, when he chose the room with electric guitars and a piano inside of it, nobody had expected what would happen after that.

  ─── ・🤍🤍。゚☆: *.☽ .* :🤍🤍. ───

Shinso had always craved to just be alone, not lonely but alone and at peace. Growing up and being sent from different foster families again and again, you get pretty used to being alone and having no sense of belonging. He grew tired of just having people around him all the time. Fortunately, things became slightly easier when Aizawa payed attention to him at the Sports Festival after fighting with Izuku Midoriya. Aizawa saw something in Shinso that nobody had ever saw in him before, POTENTIAL.

After adopting the exhausted boy, Aizawa had spent weeks and months working with him emotionally and mentally as well as the physical training with his brainwashing quirk. Thankfully, he had actually overcome a lot in that time, except from his never ending insomnia, something they both had in common.

Late at night, he would lay awake his mind playing tricks on him and his brain being unable to shut off whilst hoping for a sweet dream to take him out of the horrible world. He was sure he once heard a voice of a little girl singing a certain melody he knew but could never place his finger on what it actually was.

As Shinso walked down the halls toward the English classroom, he heard the song again. 

  ─── ・🤍🤍。゚☆: *.☽ .* :🤍🤍. ───

Kaminari stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. The immediate silence that came into the room would've been daunting to normal folk but to him it was oddly calming. The instant relief that washed over him made a small smile creep onto his face. He definitely should thank Present Mic later, because he finally found him a place that he could be himself and alone without having to put a brave mask on.

As soon as Kaminari actually took in everything that was inside this room, he noticed a shiny, black piano nestled in the corner of it welcoming him to go sit down and play it just like his grandad used to for him and his family (mostly his grandma) when he was little. 

It took a few years until he was able to learn the song his grandad used to play for him but he eventually did and even played it at his funeral to pay his respects to him. Before an illness took him away from them all and they become bad memories, they used to be the best memories he ever had from his childhood when his grandad would laugh and smile as he played the song for them and would call him his little pikachu. Forever engraved into his mind, he started to play the piano remembering it all just from one press on the piano keys.

The sound of the last train
焦燥 最終列車の音

I'll call you in words as many times as I want                                                                                                      何度でも言葉にして 君を呼ぶよ

Choose between the waves and try again
波間を選び もう一度

So that I don't have to be sad again                                                                                                                          もう二度と悲しまずに済むように

If I take a deep breath, the light seems like it will disappear
はっと息を飲めば 消えちゃいそうな光が

The notes had caught Shinso off guard as he walked past the music department. He had definitely heard this before. The little girl and her melody in his "dream". He originally only came this way in hopes of catching Aizawa and Present Mic doing their radio show - or Mic doing it and Aizawa being there as "emotional support" to Principal Nezu. But no, that definitely wasn't it. Present Mic and Aizawa were louder than that, WAY louder. He walked closer toward the faint music...

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