(No POV) ObaMitsu Part 1

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INFO: I decided to make another version because why not

Once upon a time, In a world where demons roamed and heroes rose, there existed Iguro, a stoic and skilled swordsman known for his unwavering determination, and Mitsuri, a compassionate and fiercely loyal warrior with a heart as big as her strength. Their paths first crossed on a treacherous battlefield, where they fought side by side against the forces of darkness.

Despite their contrasting personalities, Iguro's quiet resolve complemented Mitsuri's bubbly enthusiasm perfectly. As they continued to fight together, a bond began to form between them, built on trust, respect, and admiration for each other's skills and virtues.

Through battles won and losses endured, their connection deepened into something more profound. Iguro found solace in Mitsuri's unwavering optimism, while Mitsuri drew strength from Iguro's unwavering courage. Their love blossomed amidst the chaos of their world, like a rare and beautiful flower blooming in the midst of war.

In quiet moments between battles, they stole glances and shared tender smiles, their hearts speaking the words their lips dared not utter. But as their love grew, so did the dangers that threatened to tear them apart.

One fateful day, when faced with an overwhelming enemy, Iguro found himself gravely wounded, his life hanging in the balance. Mitsuri, refusing to leave his side, fought ferociously to protect him, her love fueling her strength.

In the aftermath of the battle, as Iguro lay weak and vulnerable, Mitsuri realized the depth of her feelings for him. With tears in her eyes, she confessed her love, promising to stand by him no matter what trials they faced.

Moved by her sincerity and devotion, Iguro reached out to her, their fingers intertwining in a silent promise of love and eternity. And in that moment, amidst the scars of war and the uncertainties of their world, Iguro and Mitsuri found solace in each other's arms, their love a beacon of hope in the darkness that surrounded them.

After countless battles and harrowing encounters, Iguro and Mitsuri stood side by side on the blood-stained battlefield, their swords raised high as they faced the final onslaught of demons. With unwavering determination and unwavering faith in each other, they fought with all their might, their love fueling their resolve to protect their world and each other.

In a climactic clash, they unleashed their most powerful techniques, their swords flashing like lightning as they struck down the demonic horde with unmatched skill and precision. With every swing of their blades, they pushed back the darkness, until finally, Muzan fell, defeated by their combined strength and courage.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, Iguro and Mitsuri stood victorious with their friends, their chests heaving with exhaustion and their hearts overflowing with relief. In each other's arms, they found solace and celebration, their love shining bright amidst the ruins of their victory.

As their lives transitioned from the chaos of battle to the peace that followed, Iguro and Mitsuri found a new rhythm in their relationship, discovering a depth of intimacy that went beyond the battlefield. Their bond, forged in the heat of combat, only grew stronger as they embraced a life together filled with love, passion, and mutual respect.

Behind closed doors, they shared moments of intense desire and longing, their bodies entwined in a dance of ecstasy that mirrored the intensity of their battles. With each touch, each kiss, they explored new depths of pleasure, their connection transcending the physical as they became one in mind, body, and soul.

Their love-making was a celebration of their victory over the darkness, a testament to their resilience and the strength of their bond. In each other's arms, they found solace and fulfillment, their passion igniting like a flame that burned brighter with every passing moment.

Their sex life was a symphony of sensations, a harmony of desire and fulfillment that left them breathless and exhilarated. From tender caresses to fiery embraces, they indulged in the pleasure of each other's touch, their love-making a testament to their unbreakable bond and unwavering devotion.

In the quiet moments that followed, as they lay wrapped in each other's arms, they found peace and contentment in the knowledge that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always have each other to hold onto, their love a beacon of light that guided them through even the darkest of nights.

Together, they gazed out over the battlefield, knowing that their bond had been tested and proven true in the heat of battle. With a silent understanding, they pledged to continue fighting side by side, not just as comrades in arms, but as partners in life, bound by a love that had conquered even the darkest of evils. And as they walked away from the battlefield, hand in hand, they knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, as long as they were together, they could overcome anything that stood in their way.

After the intensity of their battles and the passionate embrace of their love, Iguro and Mitsuri settled into a life of peace and tranquility. They found joy in the simple pleasures of everyday life, cherishing each moment they spent together.

With the demons vanquished and their world at peace, they devoted themselves to rebuilding and healing the scars left by war. Together, they worked tirelessly to aid those affected by the conflict, offering their strength and compassion to those in need.

As time passed, their love only deepened, and they embarked on new adventures together, exploring the world beyond the battlefield. They traveled far and wide, discovering new cultures and experiencing new wonders, their hearts filled with gratitude for the life they shared.

In their quiet moments alone, they reflected on their journey, marveling at how far they had come and the bond that had sustained them through it all. Their love remained as strong as ever, a guiding light that illuminated their path and gave them strength in times of doubt.

And as they looked towards the future, they knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, hand in hand, their love an unbreakable bond that would endure for all eternity.

Words: 1055
Note: Should I make a POV story or do you guys like it like this?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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