Chapter 7- Margaret

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I took a deep breath and released it with a small whoosh. My whole body relaxed instantly, and I felt relieved to find this place, even though it was for one night.

Thank God that Dono is well behaved, I thought while I shook my head and pursed my lips in annoyance. Who knows where I would be if he wasn't.

My horses whickered when I entered the trailer, and I bit back a tired smile, my heart growing warm and filled with love and compassion for them.

"Hi, guys," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "Are you all ready to get out?"

Gallant snorted and tossed his head as far as he could because he was still hooked up to the trailer and couldn't move his head that far. He kicked the side of the trailer, and it shook with each bang, bang, bang.

I rolled my eyes and scowled, amused. "Very funny, Gal," I said while I walked over to him and rubbed his nose, calling him by one of his many nicknames. "You need to behave yourself, Stupid, and that means stop kicking the trailer."

My horse snorted again and bobbed his head but stopped kicking the trailer. He nuzzled my side and whickered, and I could tell that he was ready to get out and see where I brought him.

"Haha, very funny, Gal," I teased and rolled my eyes before I walked over to the area where I had his lead rope hanging with the others. "You still know better than to act like an ass."

My horse whickered and nodded before he pulled at the clip while the others stayed put and watched him from the corner of their eyes.

I shook my head and bit back an annoyed sigh before I grabbed the lead rope and walked over to him. "Why can't you be like the others, Gal?" I teased. "Why do you have to be such a pain?"

"Because you are one, Mags," my brother said from outside the trailer. "Animals are like their human counterparts. Isn't that right, Dono?"

Dono whined, and I had a feeling that he didn't move from his spot because of the other children around him.

"Is he behaving himself?" I asked while I clipped on the leadrope and took off the bungee cord that held him to the trailer.

"Yes, Ma'am," they chorused.

"Good," I said before I clicked my tongue and started to back him out of the trailer. "Make sure that he keeps behaving himself. Understood?"

"Yes, Ma'am," they said.

Gallant snorted and bobbed his head when he was finally out of the trailer. He breathed in and out before he snorted and bobbed his head again, looking around.

He whinnied out in greeting and bobbed his head a third time before he half reared and tucked his head closer to his chest, shaking his head, and I grabbed the lead rope tighter.

"Easy, Gal," I softly scolded while he half reared again when the others in the trailer started to whinny and move around the trailer. "Would you behave yourself?"

Gallant snorted and shook his head while he looked around, looking at everyone and everything.

"He sure is a beaut," Blake said while he stared at my horse. He cleared his throat and looked at me, looking very nervous and unsure about himself and the horse. "Are you sure that he won't be difficult to handle?"

"Oh, he will be," I said and nodded in confirmation, "but he won't do anything to you just yet." I smirked and winked while I walked over to his brother so that Bryson could hold him.

"Hmph," Blake said.

Bryson took the leadrope when I handed it to him and looked at my horse before he looked at me, looking very uncomfortable and nervous about holding him.

Because of Fate (Book 1 of Because of Series)Where stories live. Discover now