Chapter 6:

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Dakota woke up not feeling entirely the best, she was coughing here and there, her head was pounding, her body was completely sore, everything was bothering her. She didn't wanna wake Avery, so she went into the bathroom. Filling the tub of with warm water, and put a ton of bubble bath soap in the tub, letting it foam. She took a two bath bombs, dumping them in the water, she lit four candles, and let the smooth music play in the background. She got in the tub and simply laid in the tub. She stood there, letting her body rest and relax, it was good for her. She turned the water off and just laid in the tub, accidentally falling asleep. To which she slipped under the water, with a few minutes she was unconscious. Avery "mommy. Mommy. Mommy where are you? Momma"? Avery not seeing her mom in bed confused her, Dakota never stood that long outside of bed, and it was weird for her. Avery "mommy where are you? Momma where are you? Mommy", she cried, she started to check around the house, she started crying and became increasingly nervous about her mother's whereabouts. Avery "momma where are you? Can you say something? Mommy, where are you", the concern grew bigger, Avery didn't know what to do, she didn't wanna panic but started to panic anyway. She ran back to Dakota's room, and called the only person she could call for help, her grandma Melanie who lived the closest to Dakota. Melanie "hey grandma's baby. Isn't it a bit late for you to be awake? Shouldn't you and your mom be sleeping", Avery "I was sleeping. I woke up and mommy wasn't in the bed. I can't find her grandma, I can't find her", she cried. Melanie "oh baby. What do you mean"? Avery "I can't find her. I check in the house", Melanie "could anyone have broken in? Is mommy in the bathroom", Avery "I don't know", Melanie "stay on the phone with grandma, go check in the bathroom princess", Avery "okay", Avery left the room, and went to check the bathroom. Her body became so weak she couldn't stand up properly, Avery "MOMMY", Melanie "baby did you find her", Avery "she's not moving. She's under water", Melanie "oh god. I am on my way. Call grandma on FaceTime", Avery "okay", Avery switched the call to FaceTime, Melanie "can you pull mommy out of the tub", Avery "I don't know", she started crying, Melanie "I know you are scared honey, but grandma needs you to help her. Put your hands together like this and press it against her sternum, and pump hand hand into her sternum", Avery "she's not waking up", Melanie "come on honey keep pumping. Come on Dakota, come on baby", Avery "mommy wake up. Please wake up mommy. Momma. Grandma she's not waking up", Melanie "keep trying baby", Avery "she's not waking up", Melanie "keep trying baby", Avery kept doing it and Dakota finally woke up. Avery "grandma she woke up", Melanie "good girl, Dakota stay put baby, I called an ambulance. I called an ambulance baby. Stay put my love", Avery laid beside her mother, Melanie "Dakota, Dakota. Baby what the hell did you do"? Dakota "I may have fallen asleep in the tub", an ambulance arrived taking Dakota to the hospital, Avery and Melanie rode in the ambulance with her. Melanie "is my daughter okay", she asked the doctor as he came out into the waiting room. "Your daughter is okay, obviously she almost suffocated under the water, but she's okay. She is stable, just sleeping at the moment", Melanie "can I see her please", "by the way who performed CPR on her, they did an incredible job", Avery "that would be me", "you performed CPR on your own mother", Avery nodded, "you did a great job sweetheart. I know your probably scared to her but she's gonna be okay", Avery hugged onto her grandma, Melanie "it's okay baby. We're gonna go see momma. Let's go", the two of them headed to the hospital room, Dakota "hey baby", Avery "mommy", she hugged her mom tightly, Melanie kissed her daughter on the head, Melanie "you scared the crap out of me", Dakota "I'm sorry mom", Melanie "don't be baby. I love you", Dakota "I love you too", Avery laid beside her. Melanie "how are you feeling", Dakota "I'm feeling okay. I wanna get out of here but I know that I have to make sure I'm okay before leaving the hospital", Melanie "yeah you aren't going anywhere until I know you're okay", Don "are you okay", he said completely out of breath. Dakota "I'm fine dad", Don "are you sure baby girl", Dakota "yes dad. I'm okay, I really am", Melanie "I want you to come and stay with me for a few days after you leave here", Dakota "mom I'm fine", Melanie "I wanna make sure you're okay for myself, I wanna make sure your okay myself", Dakota "even if I argue with you lol, you'd still win", Melanie "yeah I will", the doctor came to come check up on Dakota, "how are you feeling", Dakota "I feel better", "that's good to hear. So from the looks of it you could be discharged from the hospital today. Your stats are completely normal so you're able to go home", Melanie "could you bring some strawberry jello for my granddaughter here, she was too nervous to ask", "sure of", Dakota "and some ice cold water please", "of course, I'll be right back", Avery "mommy I wanna go home", Melanie "when mommy leaves the hospital you gonna come to my house for a few days. So I can make sure you're mommy is safe", Avery "okay grandma". "Okay iced cold water and strawberry jello", Dakota "what do you say princess", Avery "thank you", "you're welcome. So I'm going to bring those discharge papers, and once those are signed Dakota you should be cleared and could go home", Dakota "thank you", Avery "mommy are you okay", Dakota "yeah I'm just a bit tired and this medicine got me high", "alright you are all set to head out of here", Dakota "thank you", Don left the room so Dakota could get dressed, after they headed to Melanie's place. Dakota "mom are you really going to have us stay here", Melanie "yeah", Dakota "okay cool".

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