George Karim - Know It All

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Y/N watched as he poured over some newspaper article over breakfast. Every so often he would move to bite into his chocolate donut or push his glasses back up his face, but gave no acknowledgement of the girl sitting in front of him. 

Not that she wanted him to acknowledge her. Y/N was perfectly content with not hearing his endless spew of information, followed by patronizing remarks when she questioned something. 

That was precisely her problem with the boy, he was such a bloody know it all. Always correcting her on something, or hounding her about knowing a certain piece of information for a case. She just didn't understand why he was that way. 

"That's just George for you, n/n", Lockwood had pointed out once, "It's nothing personal against you". 

But to Y/N it felt personal, and looking at him made heat rise up in her chest. Whether that was from her indigence at his know-it-all-ness or how absolutely adorable the boy looked just reading there, she didn't know. 

"What is it?", he spoke finally. 


"You keep looking at me, what is it you want?", George pressed. 

Y/N shook her head, "I don't want anything". 

"Then quit looking at me". 

"I'm not!". 

The two glared at each other for a moment before George resumed his reading and Y/N resumed her tea-drinking. 

"Have you read anything about the Baker house", he asked again

"I started to", she responded briskly

"But you didn't finish it did you?", he mused with an annoying knowing look on his face. 

She practically slammed her mug down onto the counter and strolled right out of the kitchen and into the attic, slamming the door behind her. 

Lucy, who had been asleep, jolted up with a start. 

"Jesus", she gasped, "What's wrong with you?". 


Lucy smiled a bit before patting the spot next to her, "What did he do this time?". 

Y/N launched into a rant about George, and how he thinks he knows everything, and how he's irritating her. The usual spiel. Halfway through it, she realized it sounded ridiculous and flopped down across Lucy's bed. 

"I'm overreacting aren't I?", she sighed. 

Lucy laid down beside her, "Maybe a bit, but he is definitely condescending isn't he?". 

"Not even that, he's always on me about knowing every little thing about whatever case we're going on. I appreciate the thoroughness but it's only ever me he harps on. And God forbid I can't recite the millions of articles on one house he gives me.  He acts like I don't know anything at all", she groaned. 

Lucy was silent for several moments, and Y/N wondered if she had fallen back asleep. 

Finally after almost 3 minutes she piped up again, "You know I think he fancies you". 

Y/N's face went beet red, "Where in the bit I've just told you about him, did you determine that he fancies me?". 

"That I can't explain, but he definitely fancies you at least a bit. You've never caught him watching you while you do something like clean or even just make tea. He looks at you in a very peaceful, almost loving way. Very un-George-like. Oh and Lockwood pointed this out last time, he's always right beside you during cases", Lucy explained. 

"Yeah, right beside me breathing down my neck about being careful, and how this would be easier if I read more about whatever it is we're doing. He doesn't fancy me.". 

Lucy merely shrugged and got up out of her bed, "Ask him yourself, n/n". 


Y/N sat in the garden, taking in the bright summer sun with a book and one of the newspaper articles George had left out on the grass beside her. 

She had avoided George for the entirety of the morning, unable to get what Lucy had said out of her head. 

She couldn't even fathom that he would like her. The thought made her stomach flip, she attributed it to discomfort, but couldn't keep her mind on anything but George. 

From her spot in the garden she could see him through one of the windows. She wasn't sure what he was doing, as he appeared to be just pacing around. 

Despite herself, a smile crept its way onto her face. The boy's brows were furrowed in concentration, and every so often he would run a hand through his mass of dark curly hair. 

He was a pleasant sight to see when he wasn't bothering her, she realized. 

A part of her wished so desperately in that moment to go inside and just talk to him, bridge the gap they had for some reason created between themselves. 

He did always have some interesting information, and the way words rolled off his tongue were fairly calming when he wasn't making snide comments at her. 

She watched him run a hand through his hair again, suddenly being overcome with the urge to run her own hands through it, fix the mess he had made it into. The more she looked at him the more she wanted to straighten the glasses slipping down his face, and find out what was going through that mind of his. 

Her heart fell a bit when he moved out of her line of view, leaving her to sit with her own thoughts, ones she had avoided practically since she had started working at Lockwood and Co. 

She thought back to the times she had watched him as he read or cooked, or the times she almost instinctually glanced to make sure he was okay during cases. She thought about how her heartbeat quickened and her stomach did little flips watching him through the window just now. 

Holy shit. 

Maybe she fancied Karim

A/N: Ok so did we love, I loved. I figured it was kinda on brand for an enemies/rivals trope that she called him by his last name, so there's that. Part 2 coming so so so soon.. it will probably be up by the time any of you read this! Comment and let me know your fav George quote, just because. K bye!! 

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