Episode 7

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It was a beautiful morning In Duckburg, at Drake house. Yes we are starting at Drake house because, Huey and Dewey stay the night because, they was doing research on Jim Starling and the magical diamond.
In the spare guest room we see Dewey sleeping but, Huey wasn't In the bed because, he was already up and ready to start the day but, In Dewey bed someone was in his bed and you see someone else moving. It was Gosalyn. She stay In the guest room with Dewey. Huey didn't saw her In bed with Dewey. (Now Dewey and Gosalyn didn't do anything sexual, they were just cuddling and they were still In there pj.)
Then Gosalyn wake up and saw Dewey was still asleep. So she got on Dewey chest laying down on him and then he wake up.
Gosalyn: Good morning Dewey.
Dewey: Good morning Gosalyn.
Then they look at each other and they kiss for a few seconds.
Dewey: Did Huey ever saw you last night.
Gosalyn: Nope. I guess wearing all black stuff is actually good for not getting caught.
Dewey: Huey is smart he is going to find out that you was In here last night.
Gosalyn: Don't worry Dew. No one will find out including my father.
Dewey: Oh... I forgot about your dad. If he found out that we was In bed together, he will kill me.
Gosalyn: He won't killed you.
Dewey: You are right. He will probably yell at me whiling he is chasing me and then he killed me.
Dewey heart is beating really fast.
Gosalyn: Dewey, calm down... take deep breath.
Dewey was breathing In and out slowly.
Dewey: Thank.
Gosalyn: My dad won't killed you. Anyway, I need to grab my stuff and get out before my dad realizes what going on.
Dewey: Okay.
Gosalyn kiss Dewey on his cheek and he blushes. Then Gosalyn walked out of the guest room and she went back into her room.
(Now remember last episode that Dewey didn't know he like Gosalyn... well now he does and now he have crush on 2 girls he likes and he don't know what to do.)
Dewey: Oh man... I don't know what to do. I do like Gosalyn but, I really like Webby a lot but, I don't know who to pick. I am only 12 years old and I am now stuck In a love triangle with 2 girls I care about them more than anything. I just... don't know what to do.
Then Dewey heart is beating lot faster than before.
Dewey: My heart... Is beating a lot faster...
Then Dewey couldn't breathe.
Dewey: I can't...
Then Dewey started to panic. He doesn't know what is going on but, he went to the bathroom and he was still panicking. Dewey was having a panic attack. He didn't know what to do so, he started breathing slowly and that calm him down for now. Dewey is still panicking but, he can breathe now. So he blasts water on his face and then It end. Dewey was completely stocked that happened to him. He doesn't want to tell anyone what just happened so, he went to the front room sit down and then Gosalyn walked In the front room and sitting down next to him.
Gosalyn: Dewey, are you okay?
Dewey: Oh yes. I am good Gosalyn.
Gosalyn: Your face look red.
Dewey: It is?
Huey: Yes. Your face is red.
Gosalyn: Are you not feeling well?
Gosalyn put her hand on Dewey face and he was blushing again.
Dewey: I am good Gosalyn.
Gosalyn: Okay. If you say so.
Drake: Ah morning kids.
Gosalyn: Morning Dad.
Dewey and Huey: Morning Drake.
Drake: Hey Dewey, you look red today, are you okay?
Dewey: Yes Drake. I am good. Just really tired that all.
Drake: Okay. So I got some good news.
Gosalyn: What it is Dad?
Drake: The Beagle boys have left there junk yard and It looks like no one is there.
Huey: This is our best chance of getting that diamond now before It too late.
Drake: You are right Huey. So I asked Fenton, Launchpad, and both of your uncle to come here so, we can talk and figure out a plan to get the diamond.
Dewey: So everyone is coming here.
Drake: Yes.
Dewey: Including Webby?
Drake: Yes. Why do you ask Dewey?
Dewey: Oh no reason.
Drake: Right... okay.
Huey: Dewey is there something going on with you?
Dewey: Huey, I need to talk to you privately.
Huey: Okay.
Then Dewey take Huey to the guest room and locked the door.
Huey: You are locking the door so this must be serious.
Dewey: Huey, I kiss Gosalyn.
Huey: I know. I saw you guys kiss yesterday when we were about to leave for that abandoned house.
Dewey: Yes but, we kissed again.
Huey: Wait you are being serious.
Dewey: Yes.
Huey: You kiss Gosalyn again?
Dewey: Yes I did.
Huey: I thought you liked her as a friend?
Dewey: Well... I think... I have a crush on her.
Huey: Wait... do have a crush on a another girl?
Dewey: Yes I do and that's why I am freaking out about this. I don't know what to do and when I do know, I don't know who to pick to be with.
Huey: Well... who is the other girl you like?
Dewey: Well...
Huey: Dewey, who do you have a crush on?
Dewey: It Webby.
Huey: Oh...
Dewey: Ya... I am screwed.
Huey: Well, I wouldn't say that.
Dewey: I have crush on my 2 best friends and I can't decide who to be with.
Huey: Well, I mean we are only 12 years old and you do have plenty of time to figure out who you want to be with for the rest of your teenage years life.
Dewey: That's the problem. I always have a crush on Webby. From the first time we meet her, I want to be with her but, now I have a crush on Gosalyn and I can't decide which one to be with.
Huey: Okay... Dewey I want you to close your eyes.
Dewey: What?
Huey: Just trust me.
Then Dewey closed his eyes.
Huey: Now think about everything you want to do with that person, go on your first date, holding hands In public, being a couple, just thinks all the great things you want to do with that person.
Dewey opened his eyes.
Huey: Well... what do you think.
Dewey: I think, I know who to be with now.
Huey: Good.
Dewey: But, If me and Webby doesn't work out the first time then, I can always go back to Gosalyn.
Huey: Wait, you are picking Webby.
Dewey: I mean, It was obviously when I told you.
Huey: But, I actually thought you wasn't going to date her because, It might be weird dating your best friend.
Dewey: Huey, you know people have dated there best friends before and even got married too.
Huey: Well... ya that does make sense.
Dewey: I thought you post to be a love esports.
Huey: Well, I am but there are sign that I using forgot something.
Dewey: Ah okay. Anyway, After we get home I am actually going to work on my new song and put It on YouTube.
Huey: Oh so you finally putting your music on YouTube?
Dewey: Well, I been trying but, there is something that is stopping me from doing it but, now I know and this time no one is going to stop me from putting my music on YouTube.
Huey: Okay.
Dewey: Anyway, we should head back before someone realizes that we went missing.
Huey: Okay Dewey.
Then they walked out of the guest room In went back In Drake caved.
Meanwhile everyone is waiting for them.
Louie: It been like 30 minutes and they are still not here.
Webby: Where are they?
Gosalyn: I have no idea Webby. I just hope that Dewey isn't In danger.
Webby: Same.
Then they both look at each other.
Webby: Why all of a sudden you start caring about Dewey?
Gosalyn: I don't... why are you obsessed with your best friend?
Webby: I not obsessed with Dewey.
Lena: I mean... you kind of do pink.
Then they finally show up.
Louie: Thank goodness you guys finally show up.
Scrooge: Where were you lads?
Huey: Sorry Uncle Scrooge. Me and Dewey was talking about some personal stuff.
Scrooge: About what?
Dewey: I really don't want to talk about it right now.
Huey whispered to Uncle Scrooge.
Huey: That mean he doesn't want to talk In front of the girls.
Scrooge: Oh... then we will talk about this later then but, right now I got a plan to get that diamond.
Then everyone was at Drake cave and they are talking about how to get the diamond without getting caught.
Scrooge: Alright we need a plan to get the beagle boys out of there junkyard so, we can look for the diamond.
Drake: We need to draw them out of there home but, we need bait but, where are we going to find bait.
Louie: We can used Scrooge money.
Scrooge: Oh no. We are not going to used my money to get the beagle boys out from there home.
Fenton: We have no other choice Mr Scrooge.
Huey: If we don't get the diamond now, the beagle boys will used that diamond a advanced against us and could destroy our families.
Della: Honey I don't think that diamond will destroy our families.
Drake: Della do have a point there. The diamond can only see the future.
Gosalyn: Exactly. It can see the future Including our future too.
Launchpad: Huh... I sorry but, I am so confused right now.
Della: There saying that Beagle boys are going to use our future to try to ruin our families Launchpad.
Launchpad: Oh... now I understand what going on right now.
Scrooge: Anyway, what are we going to do then?
Louie: Like I said, we can use your money to draw the Beagle boys out of there home and take them somewhere to get us some time to find the diamond.
Drake: That not a bad idea.
Fenton: That could work.
Scrooge: Great so we have plan now so, let get ready to get the diamond.
When everyone was getting ready Gosalyn needed to talk to Webby about something.
Gosalyn: Hey Webby, can I talk to you for a minute?
Webby: Sure.
Then they went into Gosalyn bedroom.
Webby: Woah... cool bedroom.
Gosalyn: Thank but, your bedroom is better than my.
Webby: Anyway, what do you want to talk about?
Gosalyn: Webby... I think... I think I am attracted to Dewey.
Webby: What do you mean by that?
Gosalyn: Webby, I have a crush on Dewey.
Webby is shocked because, she thought she was the only girl who liked Dewey but, now Gosalyn likes Dewey.
Webby: Are you sure that you really like Dewey?
Gosalyn: Yes Webby. I always liked him since the moment we met.
Webby: But, you guys only know each other for...
Gosalyn: 6 months now Webby. I know you are getting upset.
Webby: Upset... haha... what me no, I don't never get upset from anything.
Gosalyn: That including the boy you like when you first met him. Webby, I know you also have feelings for Dewey but, I don't want to argue about a boy that we both like so, I think we should let Dewey decide who he picks to be his girlfriend.
Webby: Okay. I can agree with that.
Then they shake on It.
Webby: So how come you are telling me that you like Dewey now?
Gosalyn: Umm... no reason. You are my friend and I need to tell you about Dewey because, I don't want a boy to ruin our friendship.
Webby: I understand.
Gosalyn: Anyway, we need to get ready to get that diamond.
(We are going to skip that scene when they are going to get the diamond.)
Scrooge and his family got the diamond and they are taking back home with them.
Meanwhile at home everyone was getting ready to go to sleep except for Scrooge and Dewey.
Scrooge: Hey Dewey. Can I talk to you for a minute?
Dewey: Sure Uncle Scrooge.
Then they went Into his office and they talked.
Scrooge: What been going on with you lad?
Dewey: Oh nothing... everything is great right now.
Scrooge: Dewey I can tell you are lying or not and you are lying to me right now. Tell me what been bothering you lately?
Dewey: It about the girls.
Scrooge: Oh... I don't think I should talk to you about that stuff just yet because, you are still a kid.
Dewey: What! Ew! I wasn't talking about that. I have a crush on 2 different girls and I don't know what to do.
Scrooge: Oh... I didn't know that you are already interested with the girls?
Dewey: Well, I am that age when boy development feeling to girl that they really like. But, I have to pick to these 2 amazing girls I know for a while.
Scrooge: The 2 girls you are talking about... It is Webby and Gosalyn.
Dewey shake his head up and down.
Scrooge: Lad only you can make the decision of who you want to be with.
Dewey: Well... maybe I can use that diamond and I can see my future.
Scrooge: No lad. It best that you don't used the diamond for your future.
Dewey: Okay.
Then Dewey left but, he went to the secret room where Scrooge keeps his important items he discovered over the years and Dewey went In that secret room and he found the diamond.
Dewey: Diamond can you tell how my future turns out for me.
Dewey look at the Diamond and he can see that he is famous singer now.
Dewey: I am going to be a famous singer, that does make sense.
Then he saw a girl but, he didn't know It was Gosalyn or Webby but, It revealed her face and It was Webby.
Dewey: Wow... me and Webby are a couple In the future.
Then he put the diamond back where he found it and he is going to bed until he hears some noise coming from the triplets room so, he opens his door and he saw Louie and Lena kissing.
Dewey: What the heck is going on here!?
Louie and Lena: Ah phooey.

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