Episode 4

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(This episode take place after the last episode so, a day later then.)
It was a beautiful day In Duckburg but, we not at McDuck mansion. Oh no, we are going to Glomgold industries building and we see Glomgold talking to his new assistant Zan Owlson about his plans to become the richest duck In the world.
Zan Owlson: Mr Glomgold you want to put Mr McDuck In your tank full of sharks and let your sharks eat him?
Glomgold: Yes miss Zan Owlson. The only way that I can become the richest duck In the world is get rid of Scroogie but, the only problem is that he all way figured out about my plan but, this time he won't know what hit him.
Then Glomgold was getting called by a unknown caller.
Glomgold: Hmm... that's odd a unknown caller is trying to call me.
Zan Owlson: It probably best If you don't answer it then.
Glomgold: Na I am going to answer it.
Then Zan Owlson put her hand on her head and she was shaking her head side to side.
Glomgold: Hello.
?: Is this Glomgold?
Glomgold: Yes. Who am I speaking to?
?: You want to become the richest duck In the world that's right?
Glomgold: It is.
?: Well... I can make that happen for you.
Glomgold: Okay I am going to say this want more time. Who am I speaking to?
?: My name is Negaduck.
Glomgold: What the heck name is Negaduck.
Negaduck: I don't know. Glomgold is a weird name.
Glomgold: Hey my mom name me that you jerk.
Negaduck: Well you mom was probably a freak.
Glomgold: Well, yes she is a freak... okay why are you calling me?
Negaduck: I just told you, I can help you become the richest duck In the world.
Glomgold: Oh really and how are you going to help me with that?
Negaduck: By getting rid of Scrooge McDuck want and for all.
Glomgold: Wait you want to kill Scrooge McDuck?
Negaduck: Oh not just Scrooge, I want to destroy his family and everything he loves and own.
Glomgold: How you really hate Scrooge then I do.
Negaduck: Well, I don't really hate him.
Glomgold: What do you mean?
Negaduck: It a new superhero that he hired to protest Duckburg from evil villains like me.
Glomgold: Oh... you talking about Darkwing Duck right?
Negaduck: Yes that's the Duck I am talking about.
Glomgold: So let me explain this, you are going to destroy McDuck and his family for helping me become the richest duck In the world.
Negaduck: Well... not really. Look I am offering you this deal. If you help me destroyed McDuck and his family and others thing he loves then, I will make you be the richest duck not just the world but, instead of a galaxy. So what do you say?
Glomgold: Sure... I would love to join you.
Negaduck: Excellent. Now I have a assistant that is getting more villains to join us but, for right now stay out of the news and don't do anything stupid because, If you do then I will punish you!!
Glomgold: Umm... yes sir. I won't do anything stupid.
Negaduck: Good. Now I will talk to you soon.
Then the called end.
Glomgold: Oh boy.
Zan Owlson: You ain't thinking of joining him to destroy Scrooge are you?
Glomgold: What do you think Miss Owlson hmm.
Zan Owlson: Mr Glomgold this is a really bad situation we are In. If we do this then the world will go after us for being part of destroying McDuck family. Is that what you want?
Glomgold: We do everything to get what we want miss Owlson. I want to be the richest duck In the world and If I have to kill Scrooge then that what I will do.
Zan Owlson: Glomgold, please think about this. What you doing is taking a path that I wouldn't be part of?
Glomgold: What do you mean?
Zan Owlson: If you do this then, I would quit.
Glomgold: Well, If you quit then you left me no choice but, to blame you for being part of destroying McDuck families.
Zan Owlson: You wouldn't?
Glomgold: Well... I wouldn't do it but, Negaduck will and he can ruined your career and your future.
Zan Owlson: So... look like I don't have much a choice then?
Glomgold: Nope. So I expect you to be quite and don't say this to anyone because, If you do then Negaduck would probably kill you.
Zan Owlson: You really think that Negaduck would kill somebody like me?
Glomgold: Have you heard the guy talk!! He would definitely kill you If you tell someone about his plan.
Zan Owlson: Okay. I won't say anything, I promise.
Glomgold: Good. Now go back to work... I have to make some called.
Meanwhile back at the Scrooge mansion, the boys was already up and watching TV except the girls who are still sleeping. (Now It 8 o'clock AM so the girls be sleeping but, they might get up soon.)
Huey: So are the girls up yet?
Dewey: Umm... no. They are still sleeping when I was upstairs.
Louie: Wait how did you know that the girls was still sleeping?
Dewey: Webby door was open and I peak In and I saw that they was still sleeping so, I didn't bother then so, I grad my notebook and went downstairs.
Huey: This notebook you mean?
Then Huey have Dewey notebook.
Dewey: Hey that's my notebook!
Huey: Well, now it my notebook.
Dewey: Give it back to me Huey!
Huey: Hmm... well this is my notebook now, I am going to read a few pages of my new notebook.
Dewey: No!!!
Now Dewey is really angry and his face turn red like Donald do. Now Dewey is chasing Huey.
Huey: Ahhh!!!
Dewey: Give my notebook back to me Huey?
Huey: Why is this notebook important to you?
Dewey: I umm... I don't have to tell you that.
Huey: Then Huey opens a page and tries to read it.
Dewey: Okay okay. I been writing song on my notebook.
Huey: Wait song?
Dewey: Yes... read page 5.
Huey: Why 5?
Dewey: It a new song I am working on.
Huey: Okay.
Then Huey started reading his song but, Huey was surprised that this song have a lot of feelings and it was really good.
Huey: Dewey this is really good.
Dewey: Wait really?
Huey: Yes.
Dewey was really surprised that his brother like the lyrics to his song.
Huey: How many song you have written so far?
Dewey: Only 5 so far.
Huey: So If you are writing song then are you singing it.
Dewey: Yes. I been practicing singing my song In the garage, treehouse, or the music store.
Huey: Dewey, this song lyric are really good and should be play to millions of people.
Dewey: Oh I don't know about that. I have never sing In front of peoples before.
Huey: Well, you sing In front of mom.
Dewey: Ya well, it different. I was singing with mom to her favorite song we was listening to.
Huey: Okay. Beside mom you haven't sing In front of people?
Dewey: No. I mean, I want to but, I get so nervous easily and I just don't want to look like a idiot up there.
Huey: Well, you won't know unless you try Dewey.
Then Louie was going to his room where he saw Dewey and Huey talking so, he hide behind the wall and he was listening them talking.
Huey: So you heard that Scrooge is going to have a party for his work right?
Dewey: Yes he been talking about it for a week now and he want it to be at the mansion.
Huey: Yes and there's going to be a lot of people here and going to be musical here too so, I was thinking that you could sing at Scrooge work party.
Dewey: Oh I don't know If Uncle Scrooge would allow that to happen.
Huey: I am sure that Uncle Scrooge will be find with it but, I don't think Uncle Donald would be find with that.
Dewey: Okay... I can try.
Huey: Good.
Then the girls was already up and they was walking to the door and was trying to open it.
Dewey: We better go back downstairs before the girls ask what we was talking about.
Huey: Okay Dewey.
Then the boys walked back downstairs and the girls walked downstairs too.
Girls: Good morning everyone.
Boys: Good morning ladies.
Dewey: So Webby did you have fun at your sleepover?
Webby: Oh yes. We have a great time Dewey.
Gosalyn: Ya it was really great. We have so much fun.
Dewey: Well, I am glad that you have a great time at the sleepover Gosalyn.
Dewey was smiling at Gosalyn and she was blushing just a little bit.
Violet: Anyway, we heard you guys was talking this morning but, we didn't know what you guys was talking about.
Huey: Oh we was just talking about Scrooge work party that is coming up soon.
Webby: Oh ya. Mr McDuck was talking about it the last few days and granny was talking about it too.
Lena: So do you know why they are having the party at the mansion?
Dewey: It because of what happened the last few days. With Mark Beak tried to kill us and he got away.
Huey: Well, we found the helicopter he was on and you won't believe who Mark is working for.
Then Huey show a picture of the message with Mark and Falcon Graves.
Dewey: Falcon Graves and Mark Beak are working together?
Huey: Well, yes and no. Yes they are working together but, Falcon is In charge of the operation.
Webby: So Mark is working with Falcon, why?
Dewey: It is obvious, the only reason he is In charge of this operation is because, of me and Huey defeat Falcon last year and now It looks like he want to get revenge on us.
Violet: We are not going let that happen. We will do everything to stop that from happening.
Louie: Well, we don't If that's going to happen because, we don't have a lot of evidence.
Huey: That's true. We only have the message and that it.
Dewey: What about location?
Huey: We lost the location because, It was far away from our destination.
Webby: Well, we won't have to worry about it right now. Me and the girls are going to the park later today.
Lena: You guys can join us If you want to.
Huey: I am actually hanging out with Fenton today.
Dewey: I am helping Launchpad clean his Limo for Scrooge party.
Louie: I really don't have any plans right now but, I will find something to do In the meantime.
Lena: Well, I can actually hang out with you that's okay with the girls.
Webby: Sure Lena you can hang out with Louie today.
Lena: Okay.
Meanwhile In the afternoon Dewey is helping Launchpad working on his Limo.
Launchpad: So Dewey, are you excited about Scrooge party coming up soon.
Dewey: I guess.
Launchpad: You guess. You are like the party of kings, I thought you would be happy about it.
Dewey: Oh I am happy it just that...
Launchpad: What's Dewey?
Dewey: Okay. Huey want me to sing at Scrooge party this weekend and I really don't know If I am ready to sing yet.
Launchpad: Wait, I didn't know you can sing.
Dewey: Well, the only person known that I sing is my mom but, I was singing for fun she haven't heard my actual singing voice before. The only person known that I been writing song is Huey.
Launchpad: How come you never told me about you singing and writing songs?
Dewey: Because, It wasn't really important but, I think I can be a great singer someday and I do love to sing and write songs.
Launchpad: Can I read some of your songs?
Dewey: On sure LP.
Then Dewey hand his notebook to Launchpad.
Launchpad starts reading it and he was stocked that Dewey song lyrics is good and have a lot of feelings.
Launchpad: Dewey these songs are amazing.
Dewey: Thank LP.
Launchpad: I think you should be a singer
Dewey: That's what Huey said to me too. That I should be a singer but, I am nervous about singing In front of people, I have never sing In front of people before.
Launchpad: Dewey, some best singer get stage fraught every time they sing but, do you know how they feat there fear?
Dewey: Umm... no. How do they feat there fear?
Launchpad: They fate it head on and they never look back. You have to be strong and confident when you are singing and you feat your fear then you know that you can do everything.
Dewey: Wow that was deep stuff LP.
Launchpad: Thank. I have some good moments and...
Then the Limo was on fire.
Dewey: Ahhh.
Launchpad: Ah the Limo is on fire.
Launchpad get a bucket of water and he got the flame taken care of and now they have to work on the Limo all over again.
Meanwhile at Gyro laboratory, Huey and Fenton was working on there science stuff and that when Fenton got a call from Drake.
Fenton: Hello... oh hey Drake how are you doing?
Drake: Umm... good. It Huey there because, I need to talk to him.
Fenton: Oh yes he is here.
Then Fenton give the phone to Huey.
Huey: Hello.
Drake: Hey Huey.
Huey: Drake... I wasn't expecting you to be calling me.
Drake: I know but, I got some new to tell you. Actually can you put it on speaker that way I can talk to Fenton too.
Huey: Umm... sure.
Then Huey put it on speaker.
Fenton: Okay Drake it on speaker. What it is that you need to talk to us?
Drake: Guys I think the Beagle boys are working with Mark Beak and Falcon Graves.
Huey: Wait how do you know that Beagle boys are working with Mark and Falcon?
Drake: I saw Mama Beagle speaking to Mark and Falcon at a abondance house.
Drake send pictures to Fenton and Huey phone.
Huey: Ya that Mama Beagle alright.
Fenton: Why would they be meeting each other at a abandoned house.
Drake: That way It can be out of our radar but, luckily I got a drone that I can see everything that happened. But, unfortunately I have to be close to it or it loses connection and I can't get back on my location.
Huey: So what's the plan then.
Drake: Well, I need to talk to your Uncle Scrooge about this and maybe he will have a plan to go and check out on that abandoned house.
Huey: Okay.
Meanwhile at the mansion Louie and Lena was watching movies and they are really close to each other but, they wasn't holding hands.
Lena: Hey Louie... do you want to go for a swim In your pool.
Louie: Umm... sure. But, we can do that after the movie get done first.
Lena: Sure.
(45 minutes later.)
The movie was done and they got there swim suit on they went to the pool. Louie is wearing a green swim shorts. Lena is wearing a small black bikini and it was showing her skin and belly button and that makes Louie blush.
Louie: Wow... you look amazing.
Then Lena saw Louie shirtless and he have a good body.
Lena: You ain't bad yourselves.
Then they start swinging blasting each other with water and having a great time but, when they got done they was looking at each other and then Louie said something to Lena.
Louie: Hey Lena. Thank again for hanging out with me.
Lena: You're welcome Louie. You know that I would do anything for you.
Louie: And you know that I would do anything for the people I care about.
Then Louie was holding Lena hand and she looked at him and he looked at her and then they looked at each other for a few seconds and then they moved slowly and before you know it they kissed.
Lena: That was my first kiss.
Louie: Oh really?
Lena: Yeah.
Louie: That was my first kiss too.
Lena: Really, I didn't know because, I thought you kiss someone before because, you are a great kisser.
Louie: Oh really.
Lena: Yes.
Louie: Well, I would kissed you again.
Then they kiss again and they keep on kissing for 10 minutes.
Later they got out of the pool and they changed Into there clothes and later Lena leaves with Violet and Gosalyn went back home.
Meanwhile Negaduck was at the abandoned house and he was looking at his memory wall and he got a call from his minion.
Negaduck: Is everything ready? Good. Ya I got everything under control here. Don't worry, they won't know what will hit them. This house is a good idea to ambush them and hopefully Scrooge and Darkwing Duck show up and I will finally get my revenge. Phase 1 starts right now.
Then Negaduck was doing a villain evil laugh.
The end.
Well, did you guys like this episode and If you do what was your favorite part?
Anyway, that's all I need to say so, I will see you guys later then.
Bye guys.

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