Chapter 1 - eh?

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little Mary walks around the alley, following a mysterious little boy who she's been eyeing since she came across him at the store earlier this morning. As weird as it seems, she just wanna check up on the boy if he's okay or what. totally not to befriend him, yeah

as the boy halts, he turns around quickly to look at who's been following him. startled, Mary turned sideways and walked at full speed which is not a good idea as her face came in contact with a wall, causing her to fall on her butt.

She heard the boy chuckled before he reached his arm forward, offering to help her. Mary rolled her eyes but soon took the boy's hand, slowly standing up and dusted off her skirt.

"Why were you following me?" the boy stared at her and tilted his head in confusion. "I- uhm- uh" she couldn't form anything as her words got stuck down her throat, why was she following him in the first place anyway? " i - um, wanted t-to.. be friends! I'm Mary!" she extended her hands to initiate a handshake. the boy hesitantly, but slowly shook his hands in hers, hye-un's smile growing wider. " I-I'm Luca"

\{° ^ °}/

" aren't your parents worried? you've been gone for like," he glances up to his old but working clock, "two hours"
"TWO HOURS?!" she yelped from the ground, panic again evident on her face. The pair had talked and got along really well as they have the same hobbies, favourite food, favourite food, and even their favourite colour. They continued to talk and lost track of time.
"I-I'll be going now Jun.." "we'll meet again, right?" "of course, I'm sure of it!'' They bid their goodbyes and went to their respective houses. Both of them had a good scolding, but it was worth it. wasn't it?

they were just 6 years old back then..

12 years had now passed, through the years, they would always hang out, be each other's comfort zone, and they were each other's everything. Unfortunately, they lost touch at the age of 17 due to being busy with their studies.

Mary is working at a cafe in the afternoon, then a waiter at a famous restaurant at night. Her routine's like a cycle: wake up, get ready, eat, go to school, work, go home then sleep.

It was now Saturday. hye-un's mother invited her to go home as it was her birthday today. Meaning, she will have to meet her family's relatives.

she wore a black tight dress, high heels, and wore a bright red lipstick as per her mother's request.
She walked down the hall, her stilettos could be heard as she walked.

"Good evening uncle john" Mary faked a smile as she greeted everyone, shaking their hands. Uncle John, her mother's brother, seemed a little bit off, so he continued to shake the latter's hand. Mary chuckled awkwardly as she retreated her hands back to her side. she excused herself to the bathroom as the tense atmosphere in the living room began to suffocate her.

After she did her business, she went to the sink to wash her hands. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, was this really who she is? Or is there something more her heart desires? Thoughts like that lingered in her head when suddenly the bathroom door opened, revealing her brother.

"Hey.. what happened? You weren't outside" her brother, Yeonjun, put his arms around her shoulder, calming her down.

"Yeah, just.. tired." the younger one flashed him a warm smile as she left the bathroom.
Mary sat on one of the chairs in the living room with her phone on one hand, and her other hand stroking the cat that was sleeping on her lap.

Time flew by, it was now 11 pm and the guests were now starting to leave. Once they were all gone, she stood up from her seat to go somewhere she had been thinking of going to, the attic.

as she looked around, she noticed an odd looking book at the top of a shelf. 'Was that here before?' she tiptoed to reach the book. once she got a hold of it, she gently brushed off the dust from it, reading the title, 'memories'

She slowly opened the book and read the first word to appear.

"Mon amour"
(my love)

she flipped some more pages when she came across a picture, it was her when she was 9. With a boy that looked like the same age as her.

she held the picture in her hands, examining it.

"Mary x Luca"

\{° ^ °}/

A boy awoke at a soft bed, groaning as he slowly sat up. soft knocks could be heard outside the door before it slowly opened. "hey hunny.. could we.. talk for a second..?"
a middle aged woman peeked her head as she smiled softly.

"I'll be there in a minute" the raven rubbed his eyes from the sleepiness and went to the bathroom. After doing his business, he took out some clothes from his small wardrobe, got ready and brushed his teeth.

Soon after, he went down to the living room to find his parents sitting at their worn out couch, looking at the ground and hands on their thighs.

"eomma..? appa..?" The raven looked at them, confused, they were never like this. usually, they would greet him good mornings with a big smile plastered on their face.

" jisung, hunny please sit down" his father looked at him with a soft smile but sadness could be seen in his eyes.
He slowly sat down next to his mother, still confused by the situation.

"Honey, I know this is unexpected but please don't freak out." the woman beside him pleaded as she held his hands.

"You're adopted." his father blurted out, causing the raven's jaw to hit the ground as he looked at his parents with wide eyes.
"haha, very funny. now take it back" the raven tried to joke out as he nervously laughed.

and the silence in the room was too loud.



The raven suddenly got emotional as he received nothing but silence from his parents. Both his parents sat beside him and engulfed him in a hug to calm him down.

20 minutes later, sniffles were the only thing coming out from the latter. He finally calmed down and sat up straight.

"You were only 1 year old when we got you. the owner said that when your mother left you there, you had a pendant" Mina, his adoptive mother, reached towards the glass table and took a small black box. Mina gave it to the raven, letting the raven boy open it himself. There lies a small ruby pendant tear-shaped with silver wrapped around it.

he took the pendant in his hands, caressing it. "Ma, do you have a photo of her?" The latter questioned his parents, eyes still locked at the necklace. Just before her mother could utter a word, the doorbell rang. His mother sighed as she stood up from her seat, approaching the door.

Jisung paid no attention to who might be at the door as he was busy comprehending everything. The situation was too much for him to take in. He was too busy zoning out, he didn't notice that someone sat in front of him.

"Ma who's-" jisung stopped mid-sentence, only noticing the person in front of him. A woman with waist-length hair, chubby cheeks, and big round eyes staring right at him.

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