Chapter 6 - have fun now, suffer later

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After an hour or two, they finally arrived at the cafe. The younger one thanked the driver as he got out of the vehicle. He stood outside until the driver went off. He was immediately greeted by the warm atmosphere of the cafe as he went inside. “Good Morning sir! What can I get for you?” the cashier asked with a wide smile plastered on his face. “Morning lix, the usual please.” the cashier who was named Felix nodded at this, preparing his coffee. “One iced americano for sir jisung!” Felix beamed, making the atmosphere even more comfortable. “Isn't it your day off?” Jisung asked as he went to sit at one of the tables near the cashier, sipping his coffee. “I’m just filling in for one of the workers, she’s quite late today..” After Felix said those words, a woman came in, wearing the exact same uniform as felix. “Sorry I'm late! Thanks felix..” the woman took his place, wearing their apron. “It's fine Nayeon noona” Felix gave Nayeon a warm smile before walking out of the cafe with jisung by his side.

“What brings you here anyway?” Felix asked once they were outside of the cafe. “We’ll visit Hyunjin and Jeongin at their apartment, hangout then we’ll visit mother mina and hangout.” Jisung took out a piece of paper where all of his plans were written. “do you really need a list?" Felix raised an eyebrow at his friend." umm, yes?” Felix rolled his eyes and sighed.

"well then mister, let's go!” Felix grabbed jisung arm and dragged him towards the hyunin’s apartment.


The duo arrived at the apartment, turning the doorknob, only to know that it was not closed well, again. “These kids never learned," Jisung sighed, sighing loudly. The two went in silently, trying not to make a sound.

The two sat at the swivel chairs, waiting for the hyunin to notice their presence.


Hyunjin went out of his room with his dishevelled hair which gave off the fact that the latter just woke up. Jeongin went out of his own room in the same situation as Hyunjin. The two halted on their way as they saw two heads seated at their two swivel chairs. The chairs slowly turned towards them and there they saw two men. “well well well.." Jisung began, “would you look at that," Felix continued “the two slept with their doors open, welcoming all of the robbers inside.” The two finished off at the same time.

"the only robbers who would get in were the two of you.” Jeongin sassed off, walking towards the long sofa and flopping himself there. “What are you two doing here?" Hyunjin asked, making his way towards the kitchen to get the two some cold water.

"hyunie~ let's hangout for once, I'm dying out of boredom~” jisung whined, turning his chair around. “ Think of it as like, our first hangout with the four of us” Felix added, the sunshine was actually new to this circle. The trio met felix a month ago at the cafe where felix works at, where the trio usually hang out. The trio were immediately intrigued by the latter’s comforting presence.

“Fine fine” hyunjin gave in, standing up to shower. He walked back to the living room, grabbing jeongin’s feet and dragging him towards the latter’s own bathroom.


“Ok kids! What do you want for breakfast?” Hyunjin asked, grabbing his apron, tying it around his waist.

“Pancake!" the three kids that were sitting at the chairs in front of the counter exclaimed.

Hyunjin took out the ingredients needed for the pancakes, and that's how he found out they ran out of butter.

“I'm going to the store real quick,” Hyunjin took off his apron, grabbing his car keys, putting on his shoes and dashing outside towards his car.

“hey jeongin.." the twins turned towards the youngest

ten minutes later

The door opened, with Hyunjin walking in. “Hey I'm-" as he walked in the living room, he was greeted with a mess. All the sofa cushions were on the ground.

He rushed towards the kitchen and there sat jeongin, with the two tied on a chair. “They ate chocolate," Jeongin simply explained, drinking water.

Hyunjin sighed. He then ordered Jeongin to clean the living room while he cooked for the four of them. “Hyung, can we mix-"


“here you go!" The oldest of the four served the freshly cooked pancakes in front of the three.

“So what should we do after this?" Jeongin asked, stuffing mouth with a pancake.
“should we watch movies?" Felix suggested, taking a bite of his pancake." it has been a while since we visited auntie mia, should we pay her a visit?" Hyunjin then suggested after, " oh yeah, she told me earlier she'll be cooking cookies.” " Cookies?!” The three laughed at Jeongin’s enthusiastic reaction.

“Auntie Mia it is" Hyunjin chuckled, drinking his coffee, fondly looking at his friends.

The four got in the car, the twins at the back, jeongin at the passenger seat with Hyunjin the one driving.

“ok, time check, 10:06 we should arrive by 10:36” They drove off, and the whole trip there was filled with laughter.

" wait- jisung, does your husband know that you're out here?” Felix asked after laughing for god knows how long. "Does he have to? I don't know, he's probably sleeping his ass off." jisung shrugged, vibing with the song that was currently playing.

Minutes passed and they had finally arrived. They all went out, jisung knocking on the door. “coming!" a voice said behind the door accompanied by shuffling sounds.

The door opened and the woman's face immediately lit up by seeing four familiar faces. “Hey! Come in! I'm glad you visited. I made cookies!" The four got in with jeongin literally jumping from excitement. “Cookies!" Jeongin yelled, making the others chuckle at his cute behaviour.

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