❤️🤍Zenitzu X Fem!Reader

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Requested by @Vultureking98

A warm, bright sunny day usually has clear skies with a lot of light, which makes things look clear and fresh. The sun's rays stream down through the curtains through the windows, casting a warm and bright glow on the smooth wood underneath. The sky is a deep, brilliant blue, and the air is clear and sharp. You can hear the sound of birds chirping, and feel the warmth of the sun on your skin as the bright lights pull you out of your peaceful slumber.

After a good night's sleep after a long, hard mission, you sat up, feeling refreshed and rested. You stretched out your arms, rubbed the lingering sleepiness out of your eyes, and yawned. You groaned as your arms and legs were still sore and you winced at a sharp pain in your shoulder, your mind was fuzzy with the details but the demon did manage to do a number on you, now that you looked around, you saw the peaceful and safe space of the butterfly mansion.

You took a deep breath and felt a sense of relaxation as you laid back down on the soft pillows, closing your eyes only for them to be re-opened by the sound of footsteps coming your way.

You look up to see those two ponytails tied up and decorated with two blue butterfly clips, you smile up at her and she returns it.

"Good morning, Miss Aoi." You greeted.

"Good morning, miss Y/n. Could you please sit up slowly for me? I need to check your injuries." You slowly sat up as she started to remove the bandages on your shoulder, you shivered when her thumb brushed over the new scar on your back. You take the time to look out one of the windows, the peaceful silence makes your heart sink.

"You're all healed up," you turned back to Aoi when her voice cut you out of your train of thought. "You got a scar but you're free to go back on missions." She smiled at you but faltered when she saw that sad look on your face.

"Still not back yet?" You asked, she shook her head. The infamous Kamaboko Squad had left with the Sound Hashira, Uzui Tengen, three days ago, and you began to worry because they weren't back yet.

"It's only been three days, Y/n. You need to stop worrying, missions could get long." She tried. yes missions can indeed get pretty long, but you refused to believe it would take that long for a mission, especially with a Hashira with them. The last time it took you guys with a Hashira was only one night, not 3.

"I know, but-"

"KAW! TANJIRO, ZENITZU, AND INOUSKE HAVE RETURNED! KAW!" your crow obnoxiously called, but that only brightened up your moods.

You and Aoi ran to the door, you were behind her, and you saw the happiness in her eyes quickly fade after she saw them. She pushed you out of the way, everything she said was a blur as she ordered the rescue unit to bring them to different rooms.

There was blood, a lot of blood. All the guys looked to be in really bad shape, but Zenitzu looked a little weird. He was wearing his haori like a girl, his hair was also tied up and he had makeup on his face. You would've laughed if you weren't struggling to hold back tears at the sight of his wounds and his unconscious state. You followed behind them but Aoi stopped you in your tracks.

"Y/n, Please. Wait out here, I will let you see him once we get their wounds patched up, I promise. Just please wait out here." Aoi closed the door on you before you could say anything. you choked out a few sobs, you sat down on the floor, and leaned your back against the wall. you could hear Aoi talking with Shinobu about their injuries, Defeated Upper rank 6, that's incredible.

But are they going to die? Would you ever be able to speak to Zenitzu again? why? Why did you have to be on your way back from a mission? If only you have gotten back faster, you could've went with them, their injuries wouldn't have been that bad... You desperately prayed to the gods that they would be okay, that Zenitzu would be okay...

You flinched awake when Aoi gently nudged your shoulder, apparently you fell asleep on the floor while they were operating on them. Aoi amiled down at you as you slowly sat up.

"Hey... You can come in now, he's sleeping right now." She spoke in a quiet voice. You smiled and slowly stood up, walking into the room with her. There you saw Zenitzu laying unconscious on the bed, he was no longer covered in blood and makeup and his hair is no longer tied in little pony tails, you smiled as you sat down next to his bed, his little sparrow flew down next to you and you held the small bird in your palm.

"The rescue unit told us that they had a run in with an upper rank demon, upper 6 I believe." Aoi told you. "But fortunately Lord Tengen wasn't here, so we just had to focus on these three idiots. They never told me why Tengen didn't come, they just said that he walked off with his wives."

"Wait- Wives? As in multiple?" You asked, astonished.

"That's what I said." She laughed lightly, "well, his injuries are healing nicely, he'll most likely be awake by tomorrow morning. I'll just leave you two here. I got to check up on the others." She left you and Zenitzu alone, closing the door behind her. You sighed and looked back at him, you gently moved over so you were sitting on the bed next to him.

As you sit next to him, you notice the soft rise and fall of his chest as he softly breathes in and out, and you can hear his quiet snores. Your eyes traveled from his face down to his chest you can see the bandages covering the now closed wounds. You look from his chest to his arm, and down the bandaged limb to his hand, you smile a little bit before moving your hand closer, interlocking your fingers with his.

You find yourself feeling sleepy and relaxed, too from the calm and peaceful energy that comes from watching Zenitzu sleeping so peacefully. You stood up to leave but his grip on your heland tightened. You look back at him and he was still sleeping, or his eyes were just closed.

"zenitzu?" you whispered his name. You saw the corners of his mouth twitch upwards slightly.

"y/n," he said your name. No, he was definitely not awake, but he was in his sleep talking state, sleep walking, sleep fighting, whatever it is he was asleep but he was conscious. He pulled your arm gently, pulling you closer to his bed. You climb back on top of it and gently snuggle into his side, you heard a small hiss come from him before his body relaxed beside yours. He put an arm around your shoulder, holding you close as you eventually fell asleep next to him.

1222 words

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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