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I groaned as Pooh jabbed me awake. I had been feeling really tired due to the back to back filming over the last few weeks.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes tiredly whilst Pooh went to get me a cup of coffee.

"Here you go. Why do you look so grumpy? I thought that was me?"

I looked up at Nut, who just cocked his head at me curiously, handing me a cup of coffee. I tried to smile at him as I took it from him.

"Been very tired, Phi. Filming has been crazy."

Nut just nodded his head at me emphatically. Pooh came by and realized I had a cup of coffee already. He grinned and told me to get ready whilst he went to wake Benz up too. I nodded, but the minute I finished my coffee, I went to lay back down and was held up by Nut, who hauled me up! The sudden movement caught me by surprise, and I held onto Nut's waist tightly.

"Phi!! Why?!?!?"

Nut grinned at me as he flicked my head. He was shorter than me, but his personality was a whole other thing. He told me to go and wash my face and get ready. I instantly pouted. Nut was known to be the diva amongst us, but I had my moments, too. And today was such a day. I was very exhausted.

Just then, Nut cupped my face lightly.

"Go wash your face and finish your things quickly. Sai had lent me his car today. So I can give you a ride home, OK?" And then you can sleep in the car."

I went off to wash my face and got ready for the last bit of promotional activities. I glanced over at Nut, who was busy messing around with Benz and Garfield. He had his hands around Benz's waist as they laughed over a common joke. Nut happened to look up and caught me looking. He grinned at me cheekily as usual and went back to his conversation.

I just turned away, embarrassed at having been caught and yet also wondering why I don't have such a comfortable relationship with Nut. Guess we weren't that close?

Once our promotional activities were over, I was packing my bag when Nut came over.


I turned to him. I was about to nod my head when Benz came up to him, asking if he could give him a ride to the hospital as his brother had gotten into an altercation. Nut was torn, and I told them to go on and that I would make my way home myself.

Nut looked at me, but I assured him I had it and sent them away. I hadn't brought my car, so I took the train home, and I got home slightly over an hour later. I had showered and was going to the kitchen to get food when the doorbell rang.

I trotted over to open the door and came face to face with Nut, who grinned cheerily at me, holding some food in his hands.


"Have you eaten? Hope not?"

I shook my head, saying no.

"I just showered and changed and was about to make some noodles. How come you are here? Thought you had to follow Benz to the hospital?"

"I had to drop him off, but he assured me he had it under control. So I bought food for you."

"Why didn't you just go home, Phi? You stay 30 minutes away from me."

"It's ok. I wanted to make sure you were ok. I know you were very tired so I worried that you would skip your meals."

I looked at Nut, thanking him softly for the food. He handed it to me and was about to go off.

"Phi. Have you eaten? Why don't you stay and have some too?"

"It's ok, Pavel. I got dinner plans with my family. I gotta go to the Thai Bistro & Restaurant on Namchat St."

"Oh Okays, thank you for stopping by Phi. I will see you when I do then."

"Aren't you coming for Benz's birthday party on Saturday?"

"I can't, Phi. I got an important family dinner on that day. I had already informed Benz."

"Ohh, what a waste na. I will see you around then, I guess."

I nodded and waiied to Nut as he waved goodbye and left. I stood watching as his car went out and down the street.

I brought the food back to the table and opened it up. I was surprised to see all of my favourites when I saw a note.

I took it out and opened it,

"I hope I got your favourites right. Enjoy the meal. Till we meet again, na. Xoxo, Nut."

I grinned reading the note. I was just curious about how he got all of my favourites. Is he really that observant?

I sat down, taking a picture of the food and sending it to him via Line and thanking him for it again. He just replied with a 😘.

Argh!! This man. Sue my heart already.

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