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I looked at the picture Pavel had sent me. A smile flitted over my face when I saw the cheery grin on his face.

"Why are you smiling like that again? Let me guess, Pavel texted you?"

I winced as I looked up at Benz and Garfield, who was just grinning away at me as he slung his hands around Benz.

I shook my head no and Benz just flicked me on my head! "Stop lying, Phi! It's so obvious you have the hots for him. Why can't you just tell him the truth?"

"I don't like him that way. That was my character, Way, and this is me."

Benz rolled his eyes at me. After checking on his brother, he had come over to see me post my family dinner with Garfield in tow. Though they didn't say it, it was obvious that both adored each other. Only Benz knew of my budding feelings for Pavel.

"Stop lying to yourself. I am speaking to you as Nut. You know what I mean."

"Pavel doesn't like me that way."

"That was his character, Babe, who didn't like you that way. Are you sure Pavel doesn't? I have seen the way he looks at you. It's obvious he likes you. For someone who is observant, you are really blind at times."

"Hey! I'm your Phi, na!"

"Yes, you are. The very sweet Phi of mine who needs some help with getting the one he loves."

I wanted to retort but Benz just shot me a chilling glare and I just backed down. Clearly, the younger ones have it in for me.

I groaned as Benz and Garfield had to leave. They claimed it was a movie but I knew it was a date. I chased them away and was about to settle down with a glass of wine when Pavel called me.

"Hello Phi. Are you busy?"

"Hello Pavel. I'm not. What is it?"

"I.. I got a filming tomorrow at 7am but my car isn't starting and it's quite a drive to my shooting venue. Could I borrow your car? I will come down to take it and return it back."

"Yes, you can borrow it. But I can send you if you like. I come pick you up?"

"It's ok Phi. It's so early plus you got filming too tomorrow na. You were mentioning some promo ad with Benz?"

Ah shit, that ad shooting had slipped my mind. The mall was about 10 minutes away from my house and it was at 8am. Damn.

I agreed and Pavel said he will swing by at 6am. I nodded and confirmed the details. I woke up at 5am the following day and got ready, waiting for Pavel. When I saw him walking up my driveway, I took a small gasp of breath. He looked so good in a tight fitting tank top complete with blue jeans. But today he had an added accessory of silver earrings and rings.

I sighed as he came up grinning.

"Thank you for the car Phi. I will come by later to drop it off."

"Actually you can keep it for the day Pavel. I wouldn't be home today."


I nodded as I filled him in that today I will be going over to Benz's house to help him set up for his party tomorrow after work and staying over. I thought I saw wrong when Pavel's face dropped slightly at that info.

"Because you know, he can't trust Garfield to do it properly. You know how he is?"

"Oh Garfield is going too? They seem awfully close."

"Yes. They are like twins in a pod. One can't do without the other. Sometimes I feel like I'm third wheeling between them!"

Pavel's face cheered up at that statement and he just smiled, asking me to have fun. I nodded and passed him the keys, our fingers brushing a mere second too long.

It's so corny, but I honestly felt this tingling sensation whizz through me at Pavel's touch. I looked at him and I instantly knew he felt the same too.

He just blushed softly as he went off. But all that was running through my head was,

"Was Benz right? Did Pavel actually like me too?"

With that, this short story comes to an end! Let's see if we can make it more achievable this time.

50 likes & I will publish the sequel to this one shot!

Let's make PavelxNut come alive na!

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