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Little tree, far you will grow-

Roots that burrow and nourish

Blooming tears that will flourish

Little doe you will go

Singing wishes in a forgotten meadow

Ciara Acacia

Sunlight filters through the old woven fabric, a flutter, Ciara blearily opens her eyes and groans, stretching herself before sitting up on the wooden bed. Grabbing her phone, 6:30 a.m. Rubbing her eyes, she stood up, leisurely made her bed and exited her room to prepare for just another day.

"Ciara!" She hears her mom call just in time for breakfast. "opo, ma"

Greeting her aunt and calling her younger sister to join the table, it would be just another day for her, and it won't be too long till she is back to reality.

On her laptop, she skims through web pages of different universities. It's several weeks before another start of her school year as a college freshman, yet she still wasn't enrolled nor has chosen one. All of them are either too expensive, too far, or even if they are near or affordable, her favored course was not offered. 'Ka hassle.

Her hands twitched, recalling random thoughts that passed through her mind, recalling a blurry dream or a flurry of words and images. She was lost in thought for a short while. It's an unconscious habit.

She tuts and instead opens a new page to watch instead, then her dad calls out, "Ciara?" She immediately closed the tab to pretend to search, "Dad?" She looks up, her father coming into her room, "Come down the stairs, it's important." He looks and sounds excited, she tilts her head. "Alright"

Standing up from her chair, she fixes herself, following her dad, she sees her mom talking with someone by the living room, they look like important people, judging by the way they are dressed, one of them looks up, a woman dressed in proper suit top and skirt looks at her and smiles, "Ciara Acacia?"

What the? "Yes, ma'am?" She bows slightly, feeling shy, looking at her parents and her aunt who is watching by the side, she feels more awkward all of the sudden. The woman nods, "It's lovely to see you again" What? Again? Have they met before?

The woman stood up and extends her hand, Ciara reluctantly accepts it, the touch made her a short pang of nervousness before it went away, "Meredith Dilag, and my friend here, Abel Sintos" Ciara nods, looking at a man wearing a suit as well, smiling at her, hand dropping to her side.

"'Nak, they are the representatives from a university, and they want to give you a personal opportunity to have you enrolled as their freshman. They offer your favored course as well." Her father explained, patting her shoulder. Ciara's mouth slightly dropped, what? Opportunity? Since when? Sure she had high decent grades, but she was not consistent on getting honors, and she was not much recognized in extracurriculars back in her senior high, so why the personal visit?

The woman, Meredith, took notice of her confusion, "I know it is sudden for us to suddenly be here, we have seen potential in you after being one of the lucky students to pass the exam, and we want to help you improve and showcase your abilities. We already explained the possible outcomes and benefits to your parents and aunt" Potential? How would they know? Plus, she doesn't know what university they are from, if they are near, affordable, or if it's legit.

And when the hell did she took an exam?

It's weird enough that her parents seem adamant and maybe a bit too convinced about this. Her dad would usually consult and research the university Ciara would pick as part of her choices for her College, but they made it too easy. A red flag. The conversations continued about whatever kind of university this is. She opened her mouth to speak, wanting to tame her curiosity and impending gut feeling when she sees something in the corner of her eye.

Looking at her side, at the distance, she sees something shining, no, twinkling, the hell? She squinted her eyes but quickly looked back to try to speak up again, then it happened again, but more stronger. She looks back, and she double-takes at the sight of a butterfly, inside of the house, flying around. She stares.

Ethereal, was the word to describe the being. With wings that are translucent and glints like crystals, aureate patterns that are just as intricate as carvings of a marble statue with moonlight sheen, and when the sunlight that passes through from one of the open windows hits the glassy appendages, it twinkles like a suncatcher, the specks of soft periwinkle light dancing from its every movement. She could almost hear a faint jingle of bells that matches every flap of its wings.

Ciara whips her head at her parents and aunt, her sister or anyone who could've seen it, but they seem to be unbothered by it as they continue to discuss her enrollment, like she is the only one who is able to see it. Reluctantly, she slips quietly away to follow the creature, heart beating fast and breath hitching. No way.

The butterfly-like being is like waiting for her to notice it, because when she gets near it, the butterfly flies up the stairs and phases through the door to her room, she follows it. Huffing slightly as she opens the door and closes it from behind, looking up to see the butterfly floating on top of her work desk, she makes small steps that turns into a jog as she comes, eyes still wide.

Standing in front of the butterfly, it's even more beautiful up close, "What-" She breathes out, her mind racing. Shivering, she reluctantly stretches her trembling hand out, extending her index finger. The butterfly lands on top and it rests its wings, "Oh my god", She can feel numerous things, excitement, disbelief, and apprehension.

This must be a dream, maybe I could stay here for a while

The butterfly lets out a small chime of gentle bells, a few specks of tiny stars shower down, instinctively, she reaches her other hand out, opening her palm and slowly, the stars shape into something, an envelope. She could almost laugh at how it reminds her of Harry Potter. "Am I going to Hogwarts?"

The butterfly flaps its wings, as if saying a 'yes', she chuckles, feeling more comfortable despite it seemingly so unbelievable. It floats, letting her remove the rose gold wax seal with a logo of some kind of institution and opens the folded parchment paper.

Reading it quietly, she stops in her tracks.

"Dear Peculiar one,

We are glad to inform you that you are hereby invited to become a student at our humble branch of our magical institution

We know it is a huge surprise and even be skeptical at the sudden invitation

We would like to explain in simpler words:

If you find this, it is no coincidence or a mistake by any means. You are no ordinary one

You are a Charmer, with abilities yet to be awaken

We invite students to come far and wide globally to hone and train their magic

And you are one of them, let it be known that only you and along special others would know about our world

But either way, it is your choice if you accept this invitation.

If you said 'no', then continue to live freely in this realm

If you said 'yes' then,


Welcome to Peculiar Charm Academy, young Charmer.

P.S. Always follow the butterfly."

Ciara places the letter down, taking in all of what has written in the paper. Invitation to the academy. A magic academy.

This is crazy, insane even, for some adults would go about their way to encourage their child to join a school like this just to carry on a prank- yet despite the skepticism, she felt the urge to say 'yes' rather than being logical and say 'no'.

Without thinking more clearly, her mouth utters the words before she could stop it, "I accept"

The butterfly chimes before it vanishes, leaving a trail of shining dust. Ciara stares. "Ciara!" She turns to see her dad again with a big grin on his face, "You're enrolled!"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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